
Linan, Democratic Union of Aviye


The evening sun was dipping below the toothy horizon of the capital as Xu raced across the rooftops.

It was a scene faster than most people could watch, and yet Xu could go faster still if she really wanted to, thanks to what she'd learned from Ji.

She let the Spider agent run mostly to let him tire himself out but also to think.

After her third month on the case with nothing to show for it, Xu had been forced to argue with General Riel for every week of additional time. Xu knew the Spider wouldn't operate anywhere but the heart of a nation's power. He'd worked inside the Izhvahni Office of Intelligence, and while the Aviye Security Bureau came up clean, that didn't preclude them from infiltration. If anything, Xu sensed that Comrade Cao's prejudice against Ascendants was doing more to cover up potential infiltration than she could imagine.