Interlude - Vanya

The Trans-Arctic Railroad, Arctic Neutral Zone

Vanya was very put out by the fact that they now had to share the train with the contenders of a dozen other countries.

Mostly because that meant their rooms had shrunk from the virtual houses on wheels of Siveron Federated Rail, with its much wider tracks and gauges, to boxy little cars that made her feel like she'd been crammed into a cookie tin.

Ah, but her Finn was here, so she would put up with any trial to be with him! Even if said trial might be protecting him from the clutches of his own sister.

True, the woman made her laugh, but Vanya knew a trickster when she saw one. After all, her Finn was a trickster too... Ah, but she loved him from the moment they met. Truly, love at first sight.

Now, Vanya's goal was to get that love across the cramped little dining table, so that Aoife knew to back off.