The Grand Melee - Part 1

Etheric Industrial Stadium, Beauxer, Republic of Usona


Finn's sat on the bench with his knee bouncing up and down as he watched the preceding match with interest.

Seven contenders hand entered the ring, but by the end of it, only three were in what Finn would consider standing shape.

Two had been knocked out completely within the first five minutes, meaning they didn't have a chance to earn many points. The other five had struggled against each other until the fifteen-minute mark, during which they took a small break and one of the knocked-out contenders rejoined the match.

After the two-minute break, things got even more intense. The contenders paired off at first, and then in a complete upset, the score leader got thrown out of the ring, evening out the points such that with a surge of intensity, three contenders formed an impromptu alliance to keep the lead between them.