Sneaking Out

Advalen, The Commonwealth of the Rose

Dahlour Castle, Dahlour's Gard


After her overperformance at the tournament, Rui expected to be chewed out.

She did not get chewed out.

That's what scared her.

All Zai said to her was "What's done is done. Think about how you are going to win from now on."

Rui told Zai she had a plan but didn't elaborate. Her thoughts had returned to Yue and how to cheer her up after the kidnapping. So immediately after Zai heard Rui's version of how the tournament went, Rui made her way to Yue's room, knocking gently and entering when Maya opened the door.

Maya had her guitar hooked up to its amp, and lots of paper spread out over the bed with what was probably lyrics.

"Hey Maya, mind if I talk to Yue alone for a minute?" Rui asked.

"That's fine. Just take her to your room," Maya said, returning to her music and seemingly forgetting about the both of them.