Train Spotting

The Anhalt-Linan Line, Aviye-Siveron Border, Aviye


Xu was disobeying orders.

Nominally, she wouldn't have to, but she'd been caught making inquiries to track the return of the Tournament team to Aviye and had just found out which train Zai would be on when General Riel intercepted her.

Xu had been evasive, but the long and short of the conversation had been aptly summed up when General Riel said, "Under no circumstances are you to get caught meeting up with Zai Jeng on the military's time, Commander. In fact, if I find out you went anywhere near that train, I will make sure you wind up doing my paperwork forever."

To which Xu had almost challenged her not to threaten her with a good time. Almost.

"I take it my leave is denied?" Xu had asked instead.

"What? No. By all means, you deserve it after ending the EISM. Just get the Nightravens ready for the capital before you go."