The Four Dragons

Mama Yuxing's Dragon House, Zongren, Aviye

8 Days Before the Finals


It was around sunset that four women made their way one by one into what claimed to be the oldest restaurant in Aviye.

Quynh was the one to suggest it, having encountered the roadside establishment during a trip to Zongren where she investigated some local remedies for joint inflammation.

As the first to arrive, Quynh asked for a private room, and was led to the only private dining area in the establishment, which featured a mural of four dragons eating hotpot out of an oversized bucket while the Sapphire Emperor adjudicated their turns; since there was only one pair of chopsticks between them. It was a lesson in sharing from a children's tale, not that it would be an issue here since the menu was quite hardy.

It would need to be, since making her friends and wife run cross-country to meet in secret would be taxing.