Dark Side Of The Moon

Xingxing Street Park, Linan, Democratic Union of Aviye

4 Days before the Finals


Mother wanted to talk.

Yue knew it as soon as she bought her the biggest rabbit doll and the biggest ice cream - without saying it was too much sugar - and the pretty skirt with the cards on it.

Rui was there too, carrying all the stuff, and they wound up having to stop again and again because people wanted pictures of Rui or to shake Rui's hand or to wish her good luck at the Tournament.

Yue wanted Maya to come but she wanted to just play with her guitar even though it was loud and sometimes made weird high noises that made Yue bristle from her spine up to to top of her head.

Now they were walking in the park and Yue was bouncing around while balancing on a rail with Goldy held above her head. She could bounce around a lot because Khayin had taught her how to keep her balance and how to stand and how to move so people couldn't catch her...