The Ghost, The Magnate, and the Warship - Part 2

URS Manifest Dominion, International Waters, Avis Ocean

11 Hours Before The Finals


What Xu found inside the wardroom looked opulent in comparison to even the Admiral's quarters. A four-post bed had been arranged, as well as a table and a personal kitchen area. It was dark, but Xu didn't need too much light to see as she let slip her invisibility and retrieved enough qi to enhance her eyes.

She noticed the corpse first.

Laying on a cot at the foot of the bed, completely pale and unmoving, was the Ascendant of Wind. The pain in her arm had returned, held back by adrenaline and focus. Xu readied her knife as she crouch-walked forward, placing a cautious hand on the woman's throat. There was no pulse. No temperature except that it matched the ambient cool of the ship.

One less problem Xu would have to deal with, but that only left-

"Hello," said a soft, male voice from the bed.