
What to say...

It's been a wild ride, writing three novels in the span of a single year. When I started this project, it was with the desire to write something that I wanted to read. Something that spoke to those who shared my beliefs and my dreams of a world that did not run on exploitation for the sake of empire.

My wife encouraged me in this and set me on this road, and so it is to her that I give my most loving gratitude.

Without her support, her humor, and the occasional prod to keep writing, I would not have found my way to express fully the ideas and characters I have now sent out into the world. In our own way, I like to think that we are Amri and Zai or Quynh and Xu, depending on our moods.

Secondly, I wish to thank my editor for her support and guidance.

Thirdly, I wish to thank Beemo, our wonderdog, for surviving the span of this project from beginning to end. 15 years is a long time for a terrier, and she deserves all the good scratchies.

I also wish to thank those fellow Webnovel authors and fans who supported me. Not being alone through this process greatly helped, and one may recognize a character or two created in tribute to them.

In no particular order, my thanks goes out to:









and Crown_Nyx

Keep up the struggle comrades! And thank you.