Chapter 05 - Heroic university student

What had that damned clown said?

That he would call the representatives of the main attractions?

Such nonsense.

He had left him alone again!

Leonardo growled angrily as he checked the time on his mobile phone for the fifth time after more than ten minutes. He was in the serene, foggy, cold, freezing, and that cursed man had left him waiting one more time. What audacity!

― I'm going to kick your ass, you bastard. You'll see. Not only did you make me come to this fifth hell, but you're leaving me to freeze to death. Ah, but I'm going to make mincemeat of you, you'll see...

His growls continued for a long time. Even when the public had already left the circus tent and some toys were turned off, Leonardo kept waiting outside the tent with his arms crossed.

He was not enjoying the feeling at all. It was too similar to his nightmare.

Before the most daunting thoughts could come to his mind, Leonardo shoved his hands in his pockets and started to walk in the direction of the small tents behind the tent. He wouldn't stand still and let that horrible feeling eat him up.

Once he had spent his precious resting time looking for the clown, then it would be more than fair that Vicente would look for him.

The back of the huge tent had not only the smaller tents but also some trailers and containers. Probably that was where the circus people prepared themselves before and after the show.

Anger had been replaced by curiosity. There was one or the other artist with make-up and few clothes on, walking from one side to the other completely ignoring his presence. They should be more attentive, and if Leonardo was a person of bad nature that would be waiting for the opportunity to loot them?

The security of that place was terrible.

A chuckle stuck in his throat.

Was he worried about the people there?


Continuing to walk among the tents and containers, Leonardo found several equipments being loaded from one side to another. The employees were following coordinated instructions to take something to a certain place. Despite the late hours and the cold, they didn't seem to mind.

What strength.

In the midst of his aimless wanderings, Leonardo had noticed a tall, strong man. The hair pulled back and the full beard couldn't hide the malicious face and the blush on his cheeks. Leonardo had stopped walking just to watch this guy.

As the suspicious guy walked he purposely bumped into the employees, pretending to stumble to touch their waists. When a sharp look was cast, he would smile apologising for being so clumsy. And not even the men were spared his lack of balance. Leonardo was dumbfounded by the guy's shamelessness.

Judging by his clothes, he seemed to be someone with money. He was standing at the entrance of a small tent, talking to someone Leonardo couldn't see. Much less was he able to hear the conversation.

But something was bothering him.

More precisely, that look and that smile.

An unknown person, but who had been part of his past, had the same face. The difference was that he was a circus employee and had a thinner body. However, malice dripped from his countenance.

A grimace of repulsion appeared on the face of the young university student.

― Should I interfere? ― He whispered to himself, scratching the back of his neck.

Looking from one side to the other, no employee or artist seemed to be bothered by the suspicious subject. Only Leonardo.

Dragging his feet silently towards the tent, the university student stretched his head trying to listen to the conversation. If he stood outside just staring at the sky, he wouldn't get involved if he didn't have to. All he needed was to make sure he got the wrong impression.

Standing at the side of the tent, but close enough to hear, Leonardo stretched his head leaving his hearing at the ready.

― I am grateful for your compliments, Mister Brahan, but there is no need for such an invitation.

― Don't be shy, Benjin. It is only a formal dinner, as a partner of the park I must reward you for your successful performance.

The tone of voice had made Leonardo nauseous. Spying the tent, he had recognised the boy from the poster and the performance earlier. The one whose resemblance to a stuffed doll still surprised him. He seemed too calm, had he understood that fellow's intentions?

― As I said, it is not necessary. Your words are enough.

The trapeze artist turned his back to look at himself in the mirror and start taking off the accessories of his costume. Leonardo lifted his chin as he noticed the suspect had entered the tent and rested his hands on the boy's shoulder.

― I invested a large sum of money to see you shine. You should be more honest and show your gratitude better.

The boy had moved his shoulders gracefully, moving his hands away from the suspect himself.

― You should call the other artists then, since the show wasn't just made by me.

― No, no, you are the star of the show, Benjin.

The rest of the sentence Leonardo had not heard, for the fellow leaned over the boy's shoulder and whispered in his ear.

Did he need to see more? It was clear that his impression had not been wrong. And the resemblance of that guy to his memory made his blood boil.

Walking around the tent, Leonardo checked to see if there was anyone around who could help the boy. However everyone seemed busy carrying something without paying attention to what was happening around them. Where was that damned clown when you needed him?

― Let me go, Mr. Brahan! You're hurting me.

― Don't talk like that, Benjin. People might take it the wrong way. We're just going out for a private dinner.

Stretching his head, he noticed that those two had left the tent. The trapeze artist was clearly being taken against his will.

Fuck him.

Even if against his will, even if for half an hour, that circus was in his hands. He could do something. The consequences of his actions would be a parting gift for Vicente to deal with later.

He jumped into place warming up. Focused on that stupidly annoying guy, Leonardo opened a wide pleasing smile. And when the artist got far enough away, the university student took impulse to run as fast as possible and jump stretching his right leg.

The kick to the tall fellow's chest had caused him to crash into an employee carrying some boxes, with both of them falling to the ground in a loud crash.

The trapeze artist blinked dazedly at the tall man lying on the ground. Turning his head to find out who had that audacity, he had been surprised by a large, warm coat being placed on his shoulders. The person putting it on, a young college student with an angry look and a weak smile, whispered to him.

― Stay safe, puppet.

He could have said more, but the thug already stood up furiously, pointing his finger at Leonardo.

― Who do you think you are? What the hell are you doing? Do you know who I am?

― I'm the guy who's going to kick your ass out of here.

The audacity of the college boy had annoyed the thug to the extreme. He soon tried to punch Leonardo, who deflected beautifully before punching his belly and kneeing his chin. Before he could come to his senses, the young man took the opportunity to throw one last punch in his face.

The confusion was created the instant Leonardo kicked the guy. The employees and artists stopped what they were doing to observe the fight without knowing what to do.

― What a mess! ― Leonardo and the brute, as well as anyone else, turned to Vincent who appeared there pretending to be astonished. ― What is going on here?

The thug opened a wide smile as he straightened his clothes, pointing to the young university student.

― Now you let anyone come in here and make any mess they want? Or are you by chance a recruit who has not yet learned the rules of the house?

Vicente threw a quick glance at Leonardo, who stared angrily at him again.

No matter how much he looked at him, nothing would take his mind off such a resemblance to that fellow.

"― Come with uncle, I will show you the real puppet. He lives here in the circus, didn't you know?"

He should have been suspicious that time, but he let himself be carried away precisely because that fellow was the marionette. Leonardo was simply fanatical about the puppet when he was little. He always carried that stuffed animal up and down the street, slept with it and never let it go.

As a child, his father had decided to do the show again and a trapeze artist had been hired to play the main role. Leonardo obviously wanted to meet his favourite character, so he had been dragged to his tent to meet him.

But he couldn't imagine that that decision would lead to the worst day of his life. A day stained crimson red.

He wanted to kill him.

His hands were thirsty to hold that neck and strangle him until he heard his last breath.


It was not so simple. That feeling was stronger and deeper. Without giving him any space to think straight. Only in feeling it burning in every vein of his body. In every muscle, in every beat of his racing heart.

He had to kill that damn shadow.

A touch on his shoulder had an unexpected effect. Like a wave of the sea that carries away everything it can carry. Relaxing the muscles of his face, Leonardo had a corner look at Vincent who seemed to know about that hateful feeling burning inside him.

― We should all calm down, right?

Snapping his tongue, Leonardo moved his shoulder away from Vincent's touch.

― I'm leaving.

― We still have to talk to you...

― If you don't want your precious circus to be in the news because a visitor is committing a murder, you better stay quiet and leave me alone.

Without the overcoat to put his hands in his pockets, the young man had pulled up his hood and turned around, slipping between the employees to leave. Without even looking back, or at the trapeze artist who held that coat like it was his thread of hope.

― He still needs to mature. Come Mr Brahan, I will listen to what you have to say about what happened, and I promise I will take the necessary steps to bring the matter to a close. ― Said Vincent, turning towards the burly man with one purple eye.