Chapter 08 - A fanboy drummer?

― I'm going early today.

― Again?

Rafael stared frustrated at his friend, who was throwing his material into his backpack.

― We were going to ask the teacher to take a look at our project.

― I already talked to the teacher, he won't bother you. ― Leonardo stopped before turning to his friends. ― Ah, since I haven't done the practical part lately, let me organize the project and the written part of the work.

― Fine by me, but why have you been leaving early lately? ― asked Juliano.

Taking a deep breath Leonardo tried to organize his thoughts. It had been four days since he was together with his friends to take care of their project. He always had to leave, either to work in the workshop or to go home.

And yet Vicente always turned up at college to let him know that his things had already been packed up and taken to his new.... Home?

That place he had no idea what it was. I mean, he'd heard that strange name before, but he always found a way to go far away or put on headphones and turn up the music. He wouldn't allow himself to hear the news to avoid unnecessary memories.

But the tide had changed, hadn't it?

Leonardo grimaced as he sat back in his chair.

― Do you know of any mansion in that park?

― Park?

Juliano and Rafael looked at each other and then denied with their heads. How could he explain to them the trouble he had got himself into by agreeing to Vicente's plans? Not even he understood the situation.

― Hey, everybody!

― Hey, Gustavinho is here. Come on, are you free today?

Gustavo was all smiles, as always. A cheerful boy who was even more excited when around those three veterans. Sitting next to Leonardo he hugged his own bag.

― I have a lecture, why?

― There is no point in us playing if Leo can't go. ― Rafael reminded.

― That's right.

― What's going on?

― Baby, do you know some mansion in the park? ― Rafael asked without letting the subject be forgotten.

― In Dreamland, you mean? ― With all three nodding, Gustavo nodded as well. ― They say that inside the Cove of Mermaid there is a narrow, straight street. If you manage to cross it you will find a gate and a hidden mansion.

― How bizarre...

― Is this serious? I think it's more like stories that kids create just to instil fear or create a test of courage.

Gustavo shook his head agitatedly.

― It's true! They call it Dreamland Mansion, some school friends say they managed to get to the gate, but some employees dragged them away. The staff say that the main attractions of the park rest there.

The three seniors squinted their eyes in disbelief. The way Gustavo told the story sounded like an urban legend worthy of a TV prank. Besides, the drummer seemed to be very excited about talking about the park, was he a fanatic?

― The main attractions? What's that?

The drummer scratched his head and then opened his backpack pulling out a rough ten-matter notebook. Taking also a pen, he went to the last pages where he wrote something. After scribbling on the sheet, Gustavo had raised the notebook to the three veterans, pointing to the first circled writing.

― Here, the Cove of Mermaid is the amusement park. They say its main attraction is a magician called Ray. He is like a mascot. I've been there with my parents and I've seen him, he's a guy that always makes jokes and wears colourful clothes although old.

― He must be a guy in a costume.

― But he's still THE guy. ― Gustavo rebuts in defence. ― They always say that his magic shows are sensational.

Leonardo was sure now, his band mate was a fan of the park.

― Ok... So he would be one of the main attractions?

― Yes, Leo. ― Dragging his pen to the circle beside him, Gustavo continued — When we entered the park we already bumped into Bluemoon Plaza, which is the park's open-air mall. It's run by a guy who does his rounds there, and ends up drawing attention for always being in cosplay.

― I was going to say this is bizarre, but it's a circus.... ― Laughed Rafael, receiving a slap on the head from Juliano.

― Pay attention, the little one is talking.

― Is he also the main attraction then? Even doing nothing but cosplay? ― Leonardo asked, showing interest.

― He gives sewing and artistic self make-up workshops. So, he became a strong attraction in the plaza. My older sister has already participated in one of the workshops they did there at Dreamland, and she praised that guy a lot.

― And this last one?

― Dreamland Circus, the main attraction is a trapeze artist called Benjin. Many people praise the shows he does, but I think most people really like his cute face.

A trapeze artist?

Wasn't he the one Leonardo had tried to help that day? He remembered the way the audience had applauded, or cheered, his entrance into the circus that night. Although it could also be someone else, since he hadn't seen the whole show.

Ah... But that name was familiar.

― Does that mean that those three live in that mansion?

― That's what the rumours say, since no one has ever seen them go home after the park is closed. There are all kinds of stories about this Dreamland Mansion on the internet. But most of them are scary.

― Soon they will be on the deep web.

― If they're not already.

Despite the talk about the scary legends surrounding the park, Leonardo couldn't help but worry. Vicente had said that name, Dreamland Mansion, declaring it his temporary home. And that a select group of people would know the truth about Leonardo.

Would it be those three people?

Would Leonardo have to live with them?

With the mobile phone ringing on the table, Leonardo read Vicente's name and sighed. He was late and he was probably waiting at the college.

― Who is it?

― One guy. Sorry guys for not helping you with shit lately, but I'm moving.

― Really? Did you get any bonuses at your job to get something better?

Leonardo laughed devilishly.

― So it seems. ―The smile soon vanished when Leonardo looked at Rafael. ― I'm going to the house where my father used to live. I have some things to solve.

Juliano was about to ask more questions when Rafael stopped his mouth.

― It's okay then, Leo. Go ahead. After we talk to the teacher we'll call you and send the files to your email. Deal?

― You are fucked up, Rafinha. ― Leonardo laughed, moving away from the group, not before messing up Gustavo's voluminous hair. ― See you guys later.

While they watched his friend walk away, Juliano removed the hand that covered his mouth, turning curious to Rafael.

― What's up? I wanted to know more...

― If Leo mentions his father, never ask questions. I don't think Leo has gotten over his father's death.

Maybe Raphael was right in one respect. Leonardo hardly ever mentioned his father, but the news of his sudden illness had shaken him considerably. His death then... Well, no tears had been shed, but surely a part of him had died too.

Even if he cut his ties with his childhood, Leonardo still bled painfully.

On the way out of the campus, in a car park... More precisely standing in front of a black chevette, was the figure of Vicente. As soon as he saw Leonardo he nodded slightly.

In the following minutes, Leonardo was already driving following Vicente's route. Both immersed in silence inside the car, without making the climate unpleasant.

Dreamland Mansion. Surely it was something that had been built soon after he left. In his day, only the park and circus were in operation. Even the shops he had seen the other time were a novelty. All those changes made reality very distant from his memories.

That place would definitely no longer belong to him.

Anyway, he was going back there. It would only be for a short time, just to put an end to his hang-ups and break the umbilical cord. And then he would be free to do whatever he wanted.

― On that road, young master.

Turning onto the highway following Vicente's directions, they had taken a path before the roundabout that would take them to the park's entrance. Even so, as it was still daylight, it was possible to see the park and the circus tent in the distance.

It would probably be crowded, especially as it was close to the weekend.

The simple road seemed to be older and with little movement of cars. If he was driving at night he would certainly consider it haunted.

In the middle of the road Vicente pointed to a dirt road that entered the forest. For a second Leonardo thought about throwing his precious car into that passage, so he slowed down to follow the almost invisible road.

― Are you taking me somewhere to kill me?

Vincent laughed.

― No, young master. This is the only road that allows the passage of cars in the mansion. If I were to commit a crime, the young master would certainly be blindfolded.

Quickly Leonardo looked at Vincent, who gently held his chin and made him look at the road again.

Should he jump out of the car?

Turn around?

He was getting scared.

At the end of the long road surrounded by trees, finally a brick wall and an iron gate appeared. Vicente had taken a control from his pocket and pressed it, having the gates open automatically. Very well, they had invested a bit of technology in that mansion.

As soon as the car passed the gates Vicente pressed the button again and Leonardo continued following the road surrounded by trees. It didn't take more than ten minutes to finally see the mansion's façade.

Chalet style, surrounded by trees and plants looking like it was built of stones, it was a considerably beautiful and natural mansion. Leonardo had parked the car in front of the mansion, looking around dumbfounded. It didn't look exquisite on the outside, but it was beautiful. Very nice.

Taking his backpack from the back seat and getting out of the car, Leonardo followed Vicente to the stairs that were also filled with vines. At the top of the stairs, two stone statues of sitting lions gave a charmingly old-fashioned touch to the environment.

Vincent had opened the double door, with the wooded floor welcoming him and a huge window across the room. The furniture looked old-fashioned, or vintage as connoisseurs of the subject would term it, but very well preserved. Light colours matched the green that the windows presented.

― Now that you are here, I must leave to settle some matters. Will you be all right on your own, young master?

― Where is my room?

― Go up the stairs to the second floor, turn left down the corridor and you will find the last door. Your belongings are already there.

Stowing the knapsack on his back, Leonardo followed Vicente's instructions, while appreciating the decoration of the place. Some wood details, like the stairs and the banister, were beautiful. The paintings about the circus had gained his attention as they gave some life to the white walls.

The silence in the whole house was frightening, though. But his curiosity and admiration for the place didn't give room for fear to speak louder.