Chapter 11 - Childs play

Sleeping in a comfortable bed was paradise.

Fluffy pillows where your face could sink into and have sweet dreams. Warm, heavy blankets to chase away the early morning chill. Bed that didn't creak at the slightest movement. And a person to hug and be even more comfortable.

Leonardo definitely felt good there.

Wait a moment.

Without opening his eyes, the university student paid attention to each member of his body. His legs, he felt a weight on them. He also felt it in his arms. What was he hugging?

Taking a deep breath, he had smelled a peculiar scent that certainly wasn't coming from himself, it being mingled with the faint scent of soap. Something was wrapping around his shoulders.

Opening his eyes slowly, he came across a target neck where he could hear a soft snore. Raising his head slowly he couldn't see who was there, but he noticed it was a man.

Jumping on the bed, Leonardo disentangled himself from the arms that held him, having the subject turn over on the bed squeezing his eyes shut. Benjin was lying beside him, waking up as if nothing was bothering him. Scratching his eyes while leaning on his arm, the trapeze artist yawned still sleepy.

― Good morning, Leo ~ ― He said in a hoarse, slurred voice.

― What the hell are you doing in my bed?

Benjin looked around still sleepy, then back to face Leonardo opening a wide smile.

― Sleeping with you, what else?

― I didn't give you permission to jump on my bed, you perverted bastard! ― Leonardo went to the edge of the bed, pulling the blanket to cover his body.

Benjin smiled broadly without looking worried, or rather amused by the other's despair.

― We are engaged, after all. You don't have to be embarrassed to sleep with me. I did nothing at all.

Leonardo quickly looked at himself. He was wearing the pajamas he had put on before going to bed. As he remembered, he had returned from dinner and had gone to take a shower to go to sleep soon after. He had not drunk any alcohol, let alone let anyone into his room.

Did this mean that Benjin waited until he was in deep sleep to attack him? To make matters worse, was he feeling comfortable? His cheeks were soon on fire in the purest shame, which he had never felt in his entire life.

He awoke from a very well-slept night. He was refreshed, but there was no way he would give that perverted puppet the credit.

― If you come into my room again, I'll kill you! ― growled the boy, getting up from the bed to leave the bedroom.

― You're so cute when you're angry, you're only second to when you're sleeping. ― Laughed Benjin rolling over the bed.

When Leonardo opened the door he saw Vicente standing there checking the time on his wrist watch.

― What a surprise, I was about to wake you up, young master.

Pointing to the room, Leonardo tried to look angry enough to hide the blush on his cheeks.

― Get that fellow out of my room, Vincent!

The platinum blond had tilted his head looking into the room, having Benjin waving innocently from the bed.

― Oh I see, they are still getting to know each other. I assume that from now on I should wait a little longer so that you can wake up together.

― Don't fuck! ― shouted Leonardo, even more embarrassed with Vincent's lack of interest. ― Who says I want to wake up with this guy? This is a cry for help, you damned clown!

Leonardo hadn't heard when Benjin had got up from the bed, only realising his proximity when the trapeze artist had jumped on his back hugging him by the shoulders.

― Don't worry Vinnie, I'll be in charge of waking Leo up.

― Whatever you say, Benjin.

― Whatever you say? Hey hey hey, I'm against it. Will you listen to me?

― Why all the shame? Yesterday you said I should be comfortable to make you wish to stay here. ― whispered Benjin close to Leonardo's ear, causing goosebumps to rise on his skin. ― That is what I intend to do, my Leo.

A vein bulged on Leonardo's forehead. Maybe he remembers saying something similar... Damn it.

Nudging to be released, the university student locked himself in the bathroom under growls and curses. Benjin watched him from the bedroom door with a satisfied smile on his face.

― Are you happy now, Benjin?

― Of course, Vinnie. ― laughed the trapeze artist, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. ― 'But why are you here so early? Does Leo have an appointment?

Vincent sighed, checking his watch again.

― The park is already open, everyone is working. I wanted to show the backstage to the young master.

― Should I do that?

The boy's intense glow of euphoria was news to Vincent. That is, when Leonardo's name was even mentioned.

― You have rehearsal, Benjin. In fact, you're already late.

― But I wanted to...

― If I don't go now, I won't take the young master to see you later.

Quickly Benjin had left the room, making Vincent laugh softly.

Letting Leonardo take his time to get ready, when the university student arrived at the television room on the ground floor, Vincent was waiting for him with a small tray for breakfast. The boy looked around, wondering how quiet the mansion was, but without daring to say anything.

He feared that if he asked anything, one of those crazy people might magically appear and play tricks on him.

He just sat down on the sofa and took a cup of hot milk with honey, taking a sip. It was then that he noticed Vincent standing beside him, staring calmly. Strangely patient, or creating pressure to hurry up. Leonardo had not been able to discern correctly.

― What is it? Are you going to get me an appointment?

― Yes, young master. I intend to take a tour with you so you can get to know Master Evilian's dream.

Ah, what a low blow that Vicente was using. Leonardo grimaced before taking a biscuit and eating it slowly. If the intention was to rush him, then he would irritate him a little just to know what he would do.

Even if he lingered over that small breakfast, Vincent had continued to stand still like a statue watching him.

In the end Leonardo came to the conclusion that annoying him was a waste of time. He swallowed the rest of the milk and took another chocolate chip biscuit.

― So the others have gone to work?

― Yes, sir.

― And you have free time to spend with me?

― I said I would be responsible for organising your schedule. ― Opening his dark overcoat, Vicente took out a small agenda that had been opened on the page marked by a yellow ribbon. ― We must wrap everything up before nineteen o'clock, so that the young master can go to work with your friends.

― You searched every inch of my life?

― Precisely. If I left it to you, you would certainly find a thousand and one reasons why there wouldn't be time to look after the park.

Leonardo laughed.

― Such confidence in me, eh?

― I know you well enough to know that you can't bear to be here, young master. We should go if you are finished.

Vincent was definitely a shrewd person that Leonardo needed to keep an eye on. For now he would follow his game, trying his best not to fall into his trap.

As they left the mansion, Leonardo shrugged into his jacket. The open field was surrounded by a thin layer of fog that brought the cold to the stage. Vicente guided him through a different path than the one they had taken the night before when they arrived. They reached a gate that Leonardo had definitely thought was the same as in the story told by Gustavo.

Immersed in silence as they crossed the trail, they came out on a street inside the park. A few attractions were already in operation, with a small flow of customers. Certainly very few people would show up at eight in the morning in a park.

Unlike the night vision he had the other time he had been there, Leonardo noticed that the open sky mall was still elegant even in daylight. Passing in front of a clothing shop, he saw Aslan talking to someone in the window.

To his surprise the blond boy was wearing normal clothes like jeans and a sweatshirt. Despite having seen him, Vicente didn't stop walking. Not until they arrived at the circus, where the employees went from one side to another carrying boxes. Nothing different from what Leonardo had seen the other day.

― Unlike the park and the plaza, the circus is only open at night. ― Vicente said when he finally stopped next to Leonardo. ― During the morning and afternoon the artists rehearse while the other foremen assemble the equipment.

― Hm... That makes sense. Is it only one show per night?

― Precisely, young master. Although we have the capacity to do more, Master Evilian preferred it this way.

Your father, eh?

Leonardo looked around without much interest in the coming and going of people. But something caught his attention. In the distance he could see some scaffolding where men were working on a portal sign, and behind it a large construction similar to a circus canvas. Pointing in that direction, he nudged Vicente.

― And there, what are they up to?

― Oh yes, that is the last project Master Evilian was taking care of before he got sick. It is a food court that will have an entrance near Bluemoon plaza.

― Looks like it's ready...

― Just a few last adjustments to the interior decoration are missing. Later I can present the project, young master.

The conversation was interrupted by an employee who had seen Vicente from far away and came running towards him. Holding a yellowish folder full of sheets of paper, the thirty-year-old employee showed relief when approaching the two of them.

― Mr. Vicente, I am glad I found you. I already have the list of the snack bars and your orders. But it is difficult to take care of this without a manager.

― We are choosing the ideal person to be our manager. In the meantime, I'll take care of it personally. Let me see what they order.

― Of course, here, sir...

The employee had looked curiously at Leonardo, who was beside him, paying attention to the conversation. Vincent had noticed the official's mistrust, so he turned to the university student and whispered in his ear.

― Young master, I must leave for a moment. Do you mind?

― Not in the least. ― He answered promptly.

Vicente turned away, peering into her suspicious eyes.

― Please, don't go around and don't get involved in fights again. I won't be long to return.

Leonardo had answered with a click of his tongue having the other two walk away to enter some small tent. Clearly Vincent was keeping part of his agreement, since he had not called him young master in front of the staff. He was being discreet.

That meant he was just a nobody inside that place. Stuffing his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants, Leonardo decided to spend his time walking around the square. This time he would go to the left, the opposite direction of the tent where Benjin was at that time.

He wanted to avoid him at all costs.

He was a complete pervert! First he hugged him, then kissed him and even slept in his bed. All this just because he was saved the other day? Or was it because they were in an engagement agreement? Either way, he had already understood that Benjin was a perverted trickster. Regardless of his attempts to seduce him, Leonardo wouldn't let himself fall into those traps.

After all, he was not gay!

He wouldn't let himself be taken in by that bullshit again.

A gentle face and a warm hand suddenly appeared in his thoughts. Shaking his head, Leonardo took a deep breath and paid attention to where he was walking.

Avoiding getting in the way of the employees, Leonardo could only find the containers and trailers, or tents with machines working. Quickly his attention was caught by a table full of parts scattered in an open tent.

Approaching it curiously, he observed the parts and the manual on the table, recognizing the heater model. Some were already assembled, but just looking at them Leonardo realised that something was wrong.

He wanted to fix it, but he shouldn't touch other people's things.

He tried to turn his back pretending not to notice, while he went back to the table. Sighing defeated, Leonardo looked from one side to another without anyone paying attention to him.

He entered the small shack and found some tools lying on the floor. Without anyone's permission he took out the tools and started to assemble the heater.

Whenever he messed with machinery and projects Leonardo got lost. His concentration was simply taken and he would only return to consciousness when he finished. It was always like that, since he was a little boy. Disassembling to know how they were made and reassembling them was a game to him.

Thanks to his concentration he hadn't noticed when a burly man entered the tent, glaring at him menacingly.