Chapter 21- Beginning of the investigations

― A bet? Coming from Ben that sounds like news to me.

― That's what I figured. ― Leonardo snorted, pulling the toolbox closer and checking his options. ― It looks like it's going to be hard for him, since he's always stuck to me.

Aslan swung his legs around sitting on the shop bench. The small manager had opened a call requesting the repair of a heater inside one of the clothing shops, being surprised that the person to come to his assistance was the young master himself. As the shop manager needed to check the arrival of new merchandise, Aslan volunteered to stay there with Leonardo.

With the two of them alone, they could talk openly.

― That's true, but when Ben gets something into his head it's hard to change his mind. If only that explains their bad mood these last days.

Leonardo sighed heavily as he turned back to face the blond.

― That guy is really weird. I can't get used to him. He invades my room every night after I sleep, kissing me and...

― Have you ever kissed?

Leonardo arched his eyebrow when he noticed the blush on Aslan's face. For an instant he wondered if he had said something strange, but then he realised what a small slip he had made. His cheeks also reddened immediately.

He had admitted with such ease that he had kissed another guy. Or rather, that he had allowed it to happen.

― I'm pathetic. ― Murmured Leonardo going back to the heater. ― I should push that idiot and curse him, or even punch his face. But I just don't know what to do.

― Doesn't that mean you like him too? ― Aslan questioned, somewhat curious. ― Ben never hides his feelings, doesn't that make you comfortable with him?

The young master's hands simply stopped working as if his whole body had frozen. It was as if that innocent question had created another fishing rod, with a giant bait about to be dropped into the sea.

Opening a slight smile, Leonardo had forced his hands to keep working.

― Who would know. Ah, I'm going to the bar tonight, don't you want to go with me this time?

Aslan froze, somewhat surprised at the invitation.

― Me?

The young master had stretched out his arm to reach a piece in the distance, not seeming to notice the shopping centre manager's reluctance.

― You said last time that you wanted to see my band. So I thought I would take you today and introduce you to my group. ― As he checked the piece, Leonardo raised his head quickly to Aslan. ― Ah, but we shouldn't talk about Dreamland. My friends think I still work at the workshop.

― Why?

― They'll get all worked up trying to apply for an internship here too, and I don't want them to know...

― Why do you want to take me?

Ceasing his work, Leonardo put his arms back on his knees while thinking.

― Why not? We have the same tastes, you're likely to get on well with my friends too.

― If Ben finds out about this....

― He won't be able to do anything about it. ― Leonardo laughed, getting up from his stool to walk over to Aslan's side. ― If you are afraid of what might happen out there, rest assured. You'll be with me, so you'll be safe.

Aslan's stroking of his hair was warm and welcoming. The way Leonardo had made the invitation so simplistic made him calm and confident to accept it. How could he refuse?

― I guess that's all right then.

Going back to sit on the bench to finish putting the heater away, the two friends continued to talk about the anime they were watching. Aslan was the only person Leonardo felt comfortable talking to in Dreamland. I mean, he was the only one who gave them a chance to talk.

The only person he couldn't get close to was the platinum-haired magician Ray said. Usually Ray was debauched and didn't seem to like Leonardo, but his attitude was usually more rude when Aslan was around.

As if he was jealous of the closeness of the two new friends.

It was hard to understand what Ray's problem was, yet Leonardo preferred not to push his luck. As long as they tolerated each other everything was fine. He didn't want to get into a fight.

The conversation was interrupted when a knock at the shop door gained the attention of the boys. Stretching his neck, Leonardo saw a tall, strong man staring at them through the window. He didn't look like someone who would be interested in buying clothes from the shop, but he wouldn't judge.

― Oh no.

Noticing Aslan's displeasure, the young master arched an eyebrow. Turning to face the man who was waiting patiently, Leonardo was bothered by the seriousness that the man emanated. It was as if he became the suspect of some crime, the target of suspicion.

Nothing comfortable.

― Do you know him?

― That's the detective Vicente mentioned.

Peeking his eyes for a moment, Leonardo turned to the heater, continuing to fix it.

― Let him in.

Shrugging, Aslan jumped down from the bench and walked to the door, opening it. The detective pointed with his thumb in the direction of the shop.

― Is the shop closed?

― We're doing some maintenance around here.

― Then you won't mind me doing my job, taking advantage of the fact that you're out of operation.

Aslan glanced at Leonardo, who hadn't even bothered to pay attention to the conversation. Nodding his head without much choice, he gave the detective passage to enter the shop, closing the door behind them. As he closed the door, the blond searched the courtyard for a certain magical presence, finding it watching from afar.

A brief corner smile had been enough for Aslan to make it clear that everything was under control for the moment.

― Broken heater?

― It is winter, and because of the location here it is very cold. We take good care of our customers, but also the staff.

The detective looked around, evaluating the environment, and then grabbed the mobile phone from his pocket.

― Well, since you are busy I'll be brief. I don't want to get in the way. ― Extending the mobile phone with the picture of a child, the detective called Leonardo's attention and finally stopped paying attention to work. ― Have you seen this child a few weeks ago?

― I'm sorry, but it's hard to recognize children inside a park. ― Aslan said, leaning back against the bench.

― The parents said she was wearing a pink jacket with a unicorn printed on the back. Don't you remember seeing it? ― Aslan had again denied it with his head. ― Okay, what about you, son?

He remembered Vincent and Benjin's concern about the police coming to conduct an investigation. He had even found the fact of being interrogated by the detective to be time-consuming. Anyway, there was no reason to feel afraid or to act suspicious towards the detective.

For that reason Leonardo had relaxed his shoulders, looking intently at the photo on his mobile phone. He had gone through every single detail of his memory without much success.

― I'm sorry, but I don't remember seeing this girl either. I hear they're investigating her disappearance.

The detective squinted his eyes.

― Yes, you already know about it.

― Vicente had asked me to tell the staff to stay on after hours.

The detective scratched the back of his head as he tucked his mobile phone into the pocket of his black jeans. Taking the backpack off his back, he had opened it to grab a small notebook and a pen.

― It's okay, he said he'd cooperate so I won't complain. What were you doing three weeks ago? Did you happen to see any suspicious activity?

― Nothing in particular. I recommend you talk to the security team who are stationed at the exits and entrances.

― I'll keep that in mind.

When the detective had raised his eyes to Leonardo, the boy had raised his hands in surrender. Pure reflex, for the suspicion the detective had was too frightening.

― I'm sorry, but I'm new here. And I'm only staying in the afternoon.

― Oh, I see. It seems that no one will remember seeing this girl.

A glimpse had gained the young master's attention. The glimmer of frustration at not getting results. It was his first time talking to a policeman, which was scary in itself, but he didn't expect to feel upset that he couldn't help his investigation.

In truth his experience with the police was somewhat strange. After all he was just a child who only listened to the adults talk, never being included in the news. He only knew that his brother had never been found.

Waiting and holding on to hope was anguishing and frightening. Not being sure of anything was like succulent meat for the hungriest fears.

In the end, forgetting was the way out for those who stayed. Only that way Leonardo could survive. The sight of a policeman doing his job had lit a spark in his chest.

― Where had she been seen last?

― At the merry-go-round, a little after they announced the show at the circus.

― The park gets crowded as people head towards the circus. ― Leonardo whispered, closing the heater's lid. ― For someone with bad intentions to hold the child and take him away is the best time.

― It usually is. That's why all the information is valid.

― I hope you can find her. ― Whispered the boy as he tested the heater successfully getting it working again. ― It is distressing not to have answers.

The detective, and Aslan, could see a sad smile on the boy's face there. Turning off the heater and putting away the tools, Leonardo stood up from the stool stretching.

― Done, if it breaks again, I recommend you buy another one. It's not worth spending money on spare parts.

― Thanks, Leo.

Turning to the detective, Leonardo smiled friendly.

― Since you want to do the investigation and escape from the visitors, you can come with me to the circus. There are some people who work backstage going up and down. They must have seen something.

― If you don't mind.

― Happy to help.

As the detective left the shop, Aslan pulled Leonardo's blouse. Being the target of a friend's concern, the university student stroked the blond's hair again. Probably the main attractions would be on alert with the proximity between the detective and the heir.

However, Leonardo wouldn't reveal his identity. He just wanted to help to close the subject.

― Don't forget we're going out tonight, eh. See you later, Aslan!

Seemingly wearing a friendly mask, Leonardo left accompanied by the detective to Aslan's concern. He needed to warn Vincent about that, before the identity of the heir was revealed.