Chapter 41 - Awakening of the girl

The adrenaline coursed through his body, causing strange sensations. His hands trembled as he gripped the steering wheel, needing to pull over to the street to take a deep breath and calm down.

What was that?

He had never felt this way before.

Had he really sped up the car ready to run it over Alex? Had he really cogitated to hurt that guy somehow, for having been provoked?

Just him?

Leonardo was a confusion in person.

He needed to breathe deeply. Maybe he was going crazy because of the stress he had been under lately. If he went to the circus to have lunch with Benjin, his head would come back to its place and everything would be normal.


All he had to do was go to the circus and be with Benjin.

By the way... Since when was his voice like that? It had sounded so strange that he almost didn't recognize him on the other side of the line. He had heard of people who found their own voice strange when talking on the phone, that was probably it.

And it was precisely because he was thinking about calls that the mobile phone vibrated in his lap. Taking advantage of being stopped on the roadside, Leonardo's eyes widened when he read Aslan's name shining on the screen.

― Leo, where are you?

Shit, the number of strange things that were happening to him only increased. He'd completely forgotten that he'd said he was going back to the hospital to pick Aslan up. If he hadn't stopped at the side of the road, or gotten the call, he would have left without remembering anything.

Just as well that modernity remained on his side. At least for the moment.

Stroking his own forehead, Leonardo had swallowed dryly as he omitted the embarrassing parts of his forgetfulness.

― Sorry, I just got out of college.

― Good, I thought I was getting in the way of your paper presentation. But I still need you to come.

― Did something happen to that girl?

― She woke up.

― Okay, wait for me in reception, I'll be right there.

He barely hung up the phone and already started the car to make the return trip. If he could solve at least one of his problems, his life would be easier. Or maybe the awakening of that girl was more of a problem. He didn't know yet.

The hospital he had entered early in the morning was full even at lunchtime. It was hard to find a place to park his black chevette, so he left it at the first empty spot he saw.

Leonardo hurriedly crossed the entrance to the reception. He didn't need to ask for information about where the girl was, Aslan was waiting for him impatiently walking from one side to another biting his nail.

― Aslan!

The blond turned quickly to the young master, flashing a relieved smile.

― Leo, you're finally here.

― Why are you so riled up? Has something happened? Has she escaped or is she badly hurt?

The short man didn't even give Leonardo time to stop walking, he tried to pull him by the wrist, crossing the corridors and the finite patients who were walking from one side to the other.

― I have no idea what happened, it felt like she was being suffocated. That guy will explain it better than me, I just know it was tense.

Leonardo bit his tongue avoiding asking more questions. Aslan seemed to be in a hurry. He only let guide him to a part of the hospital that was calmer and quieter. There they entered a small room where the girl was awake in the bed with a mask on her face.

The exchange of glances was the strangest thing Leonardo had ever experienced. He was prepared for shock, crying, fear and apprehension. Any behaviour expected from a girl that had gone through the worst situation in her life.

But no.

The girl turned her head the moment she heard Leonardo's voice, staring at him without blinking. Not even a smile, not even a tear. Nothing.

Come on, the night before they had said she was fine...

― You're here, circus boy.

The doctor went down the opposite corridor, stopping at the door with Leonardo and Aslan.

― I just arrived, but how is she, doctor?

― A respiratory arrest. For now she is stabilised, but I have to keep an eye on her for a while.

― But yesterday you examined her and said nothing.

― I'm surprised too! ― scolded the doctor, scratching the back of his head impatiently ― I did some tests this morning and there was nothing. I just woke up and everything happened.

Taking a deep breath, Leonardo scratched the back of his head. At least the girl was being well taken care of. He had to keep thinking before he went completely crazy.

― Did she say anything? Her name? Has she lost her memory? Any acquaintance we can call...

― Nothing ― he answered immediately. The doctor squeezed Leonardo's shoulder to whisper in his ear ― I called Giovani and told him she woke up. I received orders to stay with her until she arrives, you know how it is...

The park was under investigation and a possible surviving victim of the disappearances finally woke up, of course Giovani would be cautious. Even more when he found out that Leonardo was the new owner and was accompanying the girl in the hospital.

It seemed like a scene from an action movie, where two gangs fight for the key to salvation.

― I understand.

― While we're waiting, could you fill out the paperwork?

― Sure.

The moment Leonardo turned to go to the reception desk, the room's machinery started beeping. The doctor rushed into the room, checking her breathing and keeping his eyes on the machines.

Leonardo looked at her again amazed at the sudden hurry.

― Let me take your place ― Aslan murmured, pale.

Strangely, Leonardo frowned.

― Are you okay? Are you the type who can't stand hospitals and blood?

Aslan let out a nasal laugh and stroked Leonardo's shoulders. His fingers were trembling, even though they were trying to be calm. Without answering anything at all, the shorter man followed the corridor leaving his apprehensive young master behind.

Only when Leonardo sat down on the bench in the corridor had he finally stopped hearing the infernal noise of the machinery. Making sure that nothing worrying was happening, Leonardo entered the room, standing next to the doctor.

― What's up?

― I... I have no idea. But that just proves that I need to keep an eye on her ― Stroking his own forehead the doctor let a long sigh escape ― I need to see other patients, but if she has another crisis push the button at the bedside.

― Sure, that's fine.

Before leaving, the doctor went back to checking the machinery and writing down something on the clipboard that had been placed on a board at the foot of the bed. Leonardo sat in the chair beside the bed, not knowing what to do.

Not when he had those eyes following him from one side to another silently.

Should he say something?

Should he wait? I mean, he didn't want to be responsible for worsening his psychological condition.

Squeezing his fingers in his lap without having the courage to face her, the boy was nervous itself. Hearing her heavy breathing only added to the tension. In the end, even trying to control himself, he couldn't keep still.

He faced her directly, even though he felt shivers run down his spine at having those eyes focused on him.

― Look... I know you've been through a lot, just know that we're not going to hurt you anymore. So, take your time to say something, all right?

The girl had answered absolutely nothing. But she nodded. It was a relief that at least she understood that.


The panel in front of the detective had only one thing that caught his attention. The recently arrived sketch of the suspect.

Giovani would never forget that time. In his memory was alive the image of the guy who had almost taken Lucas right under his nose. The problem was his intuition.

He was screaming about that guy.


If Leonardo hadn't said he was at the circus at the time, that trapeze artist would be the prime suspect. He had the same mark over his eye, and also the height matched. Besides the way he was clinging to Leonardo didn't make him look like a kidnapper.

However Giovani had dealt with several of that type before. A true psychopath knows very well how to hide his true personality to infiltrate society and choose his victims. He would be the good neighbour who would never arouse suspicion in his social circle.

For that reason the detective would keep his suspicion.

― Mathias called from the hospital again ― Said the younger policeman entering the office holding another pile of paperwork and documents ― He seems anxious for you to go there.

― I'll be right there.

The policeman peeked his eyes about muttering something, containing himself as he turned to the panel. Finding the sheet of paper with the drawing, he pointed to it in surprise.

― Oh? Isn't that the guy?

― What guy?

― The one from the circus! ― smiled the policeman approaching the panel ― I don't know the name of what he does, but it's those trains in the air...

― Do you know him?

― Who doesn't? I've taken my fiancée to the circus so many times, and he was at every show. He's a good animal, you know?

Giovani had repressed his laughter at the boy's awkward way of sounding so informal at work. He seemed to switch personalities.

― Okay, so you like the circus. That's a new one ― Facing the portrait again, the detective crossed his arms ― But how many shows have you been to with your fiancée?

― Oh so many. Ever since we started dating I've taken her to see the circus, since we met there.

Frowning, Giovani arched his eyebrow about to laugh at his work colleague. I mean, he was too young to have such a bad sense of time.

― And how long have you been with her?

― We met about five years ago ― smiled the boy, all happy and proud ― A wonderful and fruitful five years.

― And you're telling me that a teenager has been part of the circus with the same face for five years? Are you kidding me?

The policeman grimaced without saying anything, raising his forefinger in the air to do some counting before facing Giovani in confusion.

― Now that you mention it makes sense. I hadn't stopped to think about it. He hasn't changed a bit in the last few years. Or are they related?

Stopping to follow his friend's reveries, Giovani made a mental note. Benjin was interesting.

― You said you always see the circus shows, don't you? ― The detective called his friend ― Do you know what they are doing now?

― Now? ― The policeman had started to collect the already signed documents, still thoughtful ― Now they must be presenting the puppet. You should go and see it, sir. It's worth it.

A smile appeared on the detective's face.

― I think I'm going.