Chapter 44 - Eye illusion

― What's it like? I don't think I heard you correctly.

― I'm asking permission for the girl to stay with us.

Leonardo had blinked a few times before turning to Benjin, who just shook his shoulders nonchalantly. Swallowing dryly, the boy straightened up looking confused as he asked the administrator again.

― You're... Asking me if I let her stay... In the mansion?

― That's right sir.

― Why?

― I think it's the best thing for her.

Leonardo had let out a laugh.

― The best? This is an amusement park and not a hospital, Vicente.

The administrator scratched the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable, but his eyes did not flee from his young master. A somewhat courageous posture when one wishes to achieve a goal.

― I intend to check with the detective as soon as I arrive at the hospital, but I believe she has no family, young master.

Ah, that clown knew very well that that kind of subject would always be considered sensitive to Leonardo. Family. It was as if Vincent knew that affirming that girl's loneliness was a card up his sleeve that would make Leonardo sympathise with her. Like two young people who live the loneliness of the world and therefore understand each other. The difference was that the boy had not survived a kidnapping inside the park.

If he were in that girl's place, Dreamland would be the last place he would want to step on again. But it's not like Leonardo could completely understand how she would feel, since he didn't experience what she experienced.

Well, he had been through something similar.

Immediately the memories of the cold, dark surrounding the unplugged toys and the mischievous grin that stamped that guy's hideous face caused Leonardo to feel slightly ill at ease. A shiver passed through his back, making him briefly remember the fear he felt on that fateful day.

A squeeze of his hands had brought him back to reality. Meeting those bright green eyes had brought him out of the slight suffocation that was his own memories.

Leonardo had peered into those dark eyes. The park administrator looked reluctant and anxious, as if he feared a negative coming from the university student. Different from the always elegant and confident posture they were used to seeing.

The few seconds Leonardo had spent in silence seemed like torture to Vincent. And since it was difficult to read his expression, it made anxiety a real headache.

Finally, the boy scratched his head and let out a long sigh.

― Look, I want to settle this as soon as possible. I don't mind offering a place if she really has nowhere else to go, but I don't want to get into any more trouble with the police.

Omitting the big smile, the administrator had settled into a respectful pose as he bowed slightly to his young master.

― I will talk to the detective and make clear our willingness to cooperate with his investigations ― Raising his head, Vincent had cast a direct glance at Benjin ― After all, she is a survivor.

― Uh-huh, right. So... You do that.

The administrator did not remain there any longer, soon leaving to go to the hospital. Even without his presence there, the tension continued to bother Leonardo, who finished eating his snack with his mind far away from the circus.

― You know you don't have to do anything you don't want to, right Leo?

― Yes.

Benjin had sighed, drumming his fingers on the table before leaning over the brunette again. Holding his face with both hands, he had forced him to look directly at him.

― You are an Evilian, and this is your home.

― Why do you always keep repeating that? ― grumbled the boy as he disengaged himself from the other.

― Because you always seem to forget.

Leonardo let out a mocking laugh. He wanted to retort saying that he couldn't forget, since the trapeze artist always reminded him, but he kept his mouth shut.

It didn't bother him that he had to stay in Dreamland. In fact, he was tired of all the chaos that fell incessantly on his lap.

Propping his elbows on the circular table, the boy massaged his eyes and sighed heavily.

― I'm tired, that's all.

― Would you like to lie on my lap and get some sleep?

― Don't fuck...

Immediately Benjin had raised his hands in a sign of surrender.

― Only if you ask me, I swear ― The innocent smile didn't pass confidence to Leonardo, who rolled his eyes ― I'm just offering you a lap.

― You'll rehearse and I'll go to my internship. So don't try to be funny and try to fool me.

Forming a sly pout on his lips, Benjin laid his head on the table, looking completely discouraged.

― But I want to stay here, and I haven't even gotten a kiss from you today.

― And why would I kiss you?

― Because you like me.

Despite the university student's incredulity, both at Benjin's ease of saying such things and his cheeky feigning innocence, Leonardo refrained from saying otherwise. He remembered Aslan advising him not to act indecisively, as it might hurt the trapeze artist's feelings.

In the end, he was letting himself be carried away by him.

And he was doing nothing to go against the tide.

It was then that his body moved by itself, leaning over the table to bring his face closer to the trapeze artist's. When their lips met, Benjin barely had time to react to such surprise. Even with his head lying on the table, he had been kissed warmly, feeling the warmth of those soft lips on his own.

The instant Leonardo had pulled away, he had contemplated his blushing and embarrassment as he looked away.

― Stop complaining now and go rehearse.

Blinking dazedly, immediately Benjin had raised his head.

― You kissed me!

― So what?

― You. Me. You kissed me!

― Shut up, you're talking loud! ― the university student scolded, looking around to see if anyone was passing by.

Benjin didn't care either. He immediately grabbed the boy's wrist and pulled him through the backstage corridors until he found a corner behind the stage curtains. It was there that he had cornered Leonardo against the wall and held his waist tightly.

― What do you... Do you think you're doing?

― I've been holding on since the moment you arrived. But since you took the first step, I don't have to hold on any longer.

Leonardo's eyes widened. Benjin could go from one extreme to another in an instant. If before he was acting like a child for not getting the toy he wanted, behind the curtains he already looked like someone thirsty for sex. The lust overflowed in his green eyes and in his strong breathing.

― Keep holding on, keep holding on!

― I have to do my duty as a groom.

― You don't have to...

― Let's bring forward our honeymoon!

Leonardo immediately kicked Benjin in the shin, having the taller one yell and force himself to take a few steps back while stroking his leg and grimacing. Realising what he had done, the college boy had walked over to the other.

― Holy shit, are you okay? I'm sorry, I wasn't supposed to be that strong.

― That was pretty... Right on.

― Sit on the floor, let me see your leg.

Benjin obeyed, leaving his leg stretched out so Leonardo could see the area where he had kicked. Luckily for both of them, the trapeze artist didn't seem to be hurt enough to leave his show.

Being so focused on checking that Benjin could move his foot normally, he had been surprised when the trapeze artist's arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him to sit between his legs. His heart had sped up the moment the smell of pitch surrounded him along with Benjin's warmth.

― Hey, I was just checking on your condition.

― Hey, Leo... Let's get married.

― What? Are you going crazy?

Benjin had tightened his arms around Leonardo's waist, holding him tighter and tighter against his body. The brunette had felt the other lean his forehead against his shoulder, and even if he tried to look over his shoulder he couldn't quite understand what was going on with that perverted puppet.

As expected, Benjin was a sly person.

― Just say yes, please.

Not knowing much to do, Leonardo had remained quiet until he felt Benjin's arms loosen their grip. It was enough for the university student to turn and face the trapeze artist, who kept his head down.

Maybe the kick had made him consider a rejection, Leonardo thought. He shouldn't think so much about a simple kick. But Benjin was someone who was too sensitive. Ah, people were really complicated to deal with.

― Look, if it was the kick, I said I was sorry.

Leonardo leaned over to meet Benjin's bright green eyes, already preparing himself mentally to massage the trapeze artist's ego as much as necessary so that he wouldn't think stupid thoughts. However, his eyes seemed to play a trick on him.

A very different and distinctive trick.

For a brief moment, mere seconds, Leonardo thought he saw black eyes and yellowish irises. A vision that seemed like a true illusion played by his tired mind, but so real as to paralyse him in place.