Chapter 48 - The show's last day

Many writers, poets, art lovers in general, spoke of love and there was a consensus: when you fit in with someone, it is to be true. Leonardo thought this consensus was a very vague idea, because he didn't feel like a puzzle piece looking for its ideal space.

Not until that moment.

Benjin was unknown to him. They hadn't known each other that long, but it felt like they had been together forever. As much as Leonardo was afraid to accept the trapeze artist's feelings, and even to accept his touches, when he was kissed everything seemed right.

And there in his arms he had finally understood what lovers say about fitting in. For Leonardo felt that it was his place.

The smell of pitch on Benjin's clothes, the warm touch of his skin that enveloped him, the racing heart that beat against his chest. His place was simply there.

Perhaps it was because of such sensations that the university student took the initiative to pull away far enough to hold Benjin's face with both hands and kiss his lips sweetly. Even though he knew it would surprise the trapeze artist, Leonardo just had to do it.

And just like his whole body, the brunette could tell that even his lips were a perfect fit. A shiver ran through his entire body as he felt Benjin's arms wrap around his waist and he moved on the upholstery to lay him down.

As the kiss became intense, the heat from Benjin's skin increased as well. Leonardo soon realised that the trapeze artist's curious hands were already going into action, and immediately slapped his shoulders to get him to move away.

― Hmmm... What is it? ― Benjin complained, completely messed up.

Leonardo stared at the tall boy, who was clearly showing his desire. He was completely reddened and panting, as if it was an immense effort to hold on.

― Y-You have to go get ready for the show, so don't even start doing what you're thinking.

― We have time, it will only take a minute ― Benjin whispered, leaning over Leonardo again.

― No, no, no. Nothing is quick with you. Cut that perverted puppet of yours.

― Leo~ Please don't do this to me.... you provoked me.

Stunned, Leonardo blinked, pointing to himself.

― Me? Provoked you? When?

― Just now. You kissed me!

― So what? I didn't tease you, it was just... A kiss.

Leonardo looked away as shame washed over his face. He couldn't bear to look into those green eyes, which seemed to be able to see the naked truth behind the shameful lie.

However, when it came to Benjin, Leonardo should never forget that the boy loved to provoke such sensations and reactions. For that very reason he had leaned over and held Leonardo's chin to force him to face him.

― You're seducing me right now, my little Leo. I want to mark you all over, to enter you and feel your warmth until I'm like...

― Showtime! Get ready! ― shouted a foreman outside the tent.

Leonardo swallowed, disguising his relief for the call.

― You heard him... It's showtime. G-Go get ready.

Benjin made a spoiled face staring at the tent entrance. Of course he would be annoyed that he couldn't take advantage of his lover as he would like, but Leonardo couldn't feel more relieved. However, he didn't like seeing the trapeze artist so frustrated over something so silly.

So giving in a little, the brunette propped himself up on his elbows to sit down on the upholstery. And before Benjin could move away contrary to getting dressed, Leonardo grabbed his neck and bit him hard, sucking his skin until a purple stain appeared there.

Pulling away from the smooth skin, the brunette sighed breathlessly.

― You can charge me after the show, whatever. Just don't go on stage with that frown on your face.

Benjin stared at him in surprise, stroking his neck. He quickly stood up and went to the mirror to check the purple mark on his white skin. Looking at Leonardo's reflection, the trapeze artist laughed.

― Ah Leo, you certainly won't escape me today.

― Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Quickly the buzz outside would not allow the couple to enjoy any privacy. It was an alert that they had things to do. Leonardo sat on the couch watching Benjin get a circus costume and go behind the screen to change, then go to the dressing table where he began to put on his makeup.

As the colourful make up appeared on the trapeze artist's face, Leonardo saw the resemblance with the doll he had had in his childhood.

The magic of the circus.

Was that it?

Making things real?

After a few long minutes, the two boys left the dressing room to return to the main tent. Artists gathered anxiously for the last performance of the greatest show. The stagehands were loading the sets and putting the finishing touches on them, and the band and lighting crew were getting ready to decide how to make their entrance.

― Leo, you will be in the front row, won't you?

Leonardo had looked at Benjin and nodded, tucking his hands into his jeans.

― I'll be with the detective, why?

Benjin approached Leonardo with such seriousness, which didn't suit him at all. Still, the brunette didn't flinch, imagining it was just silly jealousy on his part.

― I don't want you to take your eyes off me, okay?

As he imagined, Benjin was just being jealous. Laughing nasally, the brunette cracked a corner smile at the trapeze artist.

― Then put on a real show, because then I won't want to take my eyes off you.

Before Benjin dared kiss him in front of so many people, Leonardo patted him on the shoulder and left the main tent. He had to meet Giovani at the circus entrance.

Leonardo had some free time before the schedule, so he went to the plaza to buy some snacks. He spent some time there watching the intense movement of clients entering the toys.

As the night spread through the park, the lights were turned on and the loudspeakers announced the spectacle. Leonardo returned to the Dreamland Circus area.

As he walked, Leonardo realised that some things don't change with time. He had some memories of his childhood, when he used to run from one place to another, anxious to go to the tent to watch the show. Always pulling the hand of someone to accompany him, because there was no way that child would watch alone.

When he stopped in front of the tent, he observed the queue of people at the ticket booths and to get in. The shining sign at the gate and the circus music echoing through the speakers. Some foreman had dressed up as clowns to greet the guests and play with the children in the queues. The food trucks parked nearby also had their share of clientele.

Was this what your father wanted?

Had he died happy that he had achieved his dream?

Even in his absence, Dreamland was making those people smile.

A fine mist was starting to become present in the circus area. Still people smiled happily entering the tent as if nothing was bothering them. Even Leonardo felt calmer and happier, even though the memories of his childhood were in his thoughts.

A tightness in his chest made him feel nostalgic. He could see the two adults holding the hands of two little boys, who were jumping up and down to see the puppet.

― I found you. Sorry if I made you wait too long.

As soon as he saw Giovani in his usual clothes, Leonardo relaxed his shoulders. He was no longer a crying child, who longed for his parents to go to the circus show.

He was alone.

He was the only one left.

― All right, our seats are reserved anyway.

Giovani blinked in surprise, then opened an embarrassed smile.

― Privileges of being the owner?

The owner.

Leonardo had forgotten that he was the new owner of Dreamland. Looking around once more as he tightened his fingers in the pocket of his dark jeans, he sighed slowly, agreeing with his head.

― Yeah... Maybe it is. Anyway, shall we?

The two guys didn't have to face the line. Vicente was waiting for them in front of the tent, with his usual Victorian outfit, including a top hat. That night, the white colour matched his platinum hair, highlighting his amber eyes.

Treated as special guests, they entered the tent, which echoed background music at low volume while the rows were filled by the public. Vicente led them to the first row, where two chairs had reserved signs. As soon as he removed them, he turned to both of them and nodded.

― I hope you can enjoy our show, young master.

Leonardo moistened his lips feeling nervous about being called like that in front of the detective, but he agreed with his head avoiding letting his anxiety show.

― Thank you and... Good job, Vicente.

The compliment seemed to make the administrator ecstatic, because Vicente had opened a huge smile before leaving.

― Hm... It seems he is glad you came.

― To them, if I seem interested in anything related to Dreamland, it's cause for celebration ― Leonardo laughed, scratching the back of his head.

― I'm still surprised you have to deal with all this being so young. Don't you have any other heir that can help you?

― Benjin ― Leonardo commented thoughtfully, gaining Giovani's attention ― Actually, I wanted to leave everything to him, but my father arranged for me to stay here... it's complicated.

― Ah... Of course.

So soon all the seats were taken and the tent was noisy. When the resounding of a clock had caught everyone's attention, the lights were turned off and the stage was covered in smoke. The unexciting, musical sound made everyone anxious, and just as soon the figure of a child dressed as a clown appeared in the centre of the stage.

The little boy seemed lost on the stage, pacing from side to side as if looking for something. A huge smile breaks out on the child's face when he finds a stuffed animal sitting in the middle of the stage. He holds it and hugs it with such longing that even the audience is moved.

Giovani leaned towards the university student, poking his shoulder discreetly to whisper.

― What is this show about?

Leonardo even suppressed his laughter at realising that Giovani really had no idea what the puppet was about. Which was heresy, because in the circus world there was no more popular show than that one.

But Giovani must have been busy with his police reports and activities that would have prevented him from seeing such beauty.

― It tells the story of a lonely boy who lives alone, and his only friend is his favourite toy. The toy disappears and a mysterious man appears leading the boy to look for his toy. That's when he realises that the toy has come to life just like so many others. Let's just say that the boy won't feel alone... Never again.

― Ah... that's it?

Smothering his laughter, Leonardo kept his eyes on the stage.

― You would understand more during the performance.

And in fact Giovani would understand.

Soon the magic happened when a masked man appeared on the centre of the stage at the moment that the boy was crying because he had lost his toy. The huge curtains at the back of the stage were lit up, the smoke had risen and the music was creating suspense.

The brightness of the stage and the exciting music made the audience anxious for the boy to enter the toy box and start his search for his beloved marionette.