Chapter 64 - The crybaby has grown

It wasn't quite the way he intended to tell his friends about his lineage, but it was extremely irritating that anyone would dare to talk to Mr Barley and Benjin like that.

Looks like Dreamland needed to go through a cleanse.

— W-What the...?

Arching an eyebrow, Leonardo lowered the hand that had not been shaken by the director. Hiding behind the director was the man who had made a mess of the restaurant. So he really knew someone from inside Dreamland? He imagined it had been a bluff, just like the blatant lie that he knew the owner of the park.

Would it be okay if Leonardo teased him just a little?

— Look if you're not the problem customer, it looks like he's back.

The friendly smile he gave her brought no response from the said guy, in compensation the director seemed to mumble low. Again they were arguing with that guy, the difference was that now Leonardo stood in front of everyone with his hands in his pockets, staring at him. Even if he felt the fear and hesitation coming from that director, Leonardo would simply sustain the situation he got himself into.

That of revealing his identity to everyone.

— Didn't you say you knew the owner of Dreamland? — Leonardo questioned, turning to the troublesome man who looked confused — I don't remember meeting someone so arrogant.

— It's very easy to say you are Rohan's son. There is nothing to prove your lie, everyone knows that...

— And why would I need to prove anything to you?

Without realising it, the two men had their necks grabbed by Ray and Benjin, forcing them to bow their heads and bow to Leonardo. The others choked in surprise and more people gathered around to see what happened.

Come on, a show director was being forced to bow his head to someone who until now was known to be just an intern. And even the fact that Ray and Benjin forced him to bow was enough to arouse the curiosity of the other circus employees.

Leonardo was proving his authority by using the main attractions in front of everyone.

— From what I remember, Dreamland's main attractions only answered one person: my father. No one else is above them. Am I wrong?

The silence spread to the crowd. Ray squeezed the back of the director's head until he heard him choke.

— He asked you a question, wouldn't it be polite for you to answer it?

— N-Not wrong!

— Then what makes you think you can talk to Benjin like that?

— I was just warning him about a possible problem with the customers...

Leonardo came close enough to both of them to whisper in their ears.

— And I can do whatever I want, since this is my place now.

Casting a glance at Ray, Leonardo straightened up.

— Didn't you say you could do a trick? Have fun.

The magician's red eyes shone with euphoria, and he quickly bowed to Leonardo.

— As you command, young master.

As Ray took charge of leading the two troublemakers away, Leonardo had looked at Aslan and with a simple motion of his head gave him the order. Sighing, the boy also bowed before following the magician and acting as his babysitter once more.

— Thank you for helping me.

Ah there was that silly grin from that puppet. Was he really delighted to have received the help, or was he using his smile as a weapon to calm Leonardo down? From what he knew, it could be both. Sighing, the boy stroked his head again.

— I know you can manage on your own.

— I prefer to depend on you, I feel loved.

Benjin's cheeks flushed red at his sudden shyness. It was an attack Leonardo was not prepared to receive, even more so in front of everyone. Covering part of his face with his bandaged hand, it was hard for him to hide his shame as well.

Maybe they were going to stay in their pink world for longer if it wasn't for the frustration present in the voice of a certain clown.

— Frankly, why did everyone decide to cause a ruckus just today?

— Mr. Vincent, he said that he is the new heir.

As soon as Vincent realised that Leonardo was the centre of attention, he marched towards the boy quickly.

— What happened this time?

— That guy from the restaurant came to complain to some director. They were going to argue with Ben, and Mr. Barley intervened and so did I when they showed a lack of respect. That's it.

Blinking dazedly, Vincent rubbed his forehead.

— Leonardo, you said to yourself that you want to hide your identity.

— And I told you that I accept to be the heir — Leonardo smiled to the administrator, who sighed — One day it will happen, but I can't see my staff being treated like that right in front of me.

— Right... And where are they?

— I asked Ray to go and play with them.

A shiver went through Vincent's body. Leonardo laughed, giving him a comforting pat on his shoulder. Poor manager, he would certainly have nightmares if he went after Ray at that moment.

— Excuse me — Sir Barley interrupted the discussion and pointed to Leonardo — But he is really...

Sighing deeply, Vincent pulled himself together so that he could turn to the others. The foremen and artists were still gathered there, thirsty to know what was going on. Fights and arguments were not uncommon, however there was a boy there claiming to be the heir. Obviously everyone wanted to know the truth, and the only person who could validate the information was Vicente.

— Very well, unfortunately I didn't intend the presentation to be done this way, but since we're in this situation I'll take advantage of it — Pointing politely to the university boy, Vicente was categorical — This is...

— Leonardo?

A hoarse feminine voice interrupted Vicente's speech, and everyone turned towards where a tall woman in a park uniform was staring at the boy in surprise. Her features were not strange, Leonardo didn't take long to recognize her and feel his heart accelerate.

— Aunt... Dani?

The woman approached the boy holding his face with both hands, looking from side to side as if analysing him deeply. And then she laughed.

— My goodness, it's little Leo! I can't believe you're back!

— Miss Dani, do you know him?

Turning quickly she faced another employee. Not only that shy girl wanted to know the answer, but all the curious people seemed eager and thirsty to know. Although Dani didn't seem to mind the heat of the curious and their watchful eyes.

— But of course! I saw this boy born, come on! Although the last time I saw him, he was so short and weepy.

— Aunt Dani, I'm a grown man, please.

Laughing, she stared at him for a moment until her eyes filled with tears.

— You really have grown up to look like your father. Too bad, you should look like Mariane.

— Hehe... I heard we were the perfect mix of our parents.

Petrified on the spot, Dani was slow to react. In the end, she cracked a sad smile.

— If he were alive, he would probably look like you?

Leonardo knew who she meant.

He knew very well.

Again his heart squeezed, but Leonardo knew how to hide his anguish under a fake smile.

— No way, he was way cooler than me. He'd probably follow the fashion and have a lot more friends.

— I guess so. It hurts my heart that only you are here... — Dani hugged Leonardo tightly and warmly — You did well, Leonardo.

Dani was a friend of their mother and always played with the twins when they were small. Like Mariane, she had grown up in the circus because she was the daughter of two performers and she loved Dreamland. She had probably suffered when her friend died, and also when the train tragedy happened. Unlike him, who ran away from the circus because he couldn't stand the damn memories, she had stayed until then.

— Very well, as you may have understood, this is Leonardo Evilian, the youngest son of master Rohan Evilian — Vicente continued his introductions to the curious — The young master has agreed to continue his father's legacy and will inherit Dreamland.

Surely the news would spread like the wind. It would not take long before the masses would be notified and the press would be summoned to make an official statement. Leonardo would have to attend several meetings with Vicente, and thus would start his life as the suit he hated so much.

But at that moment, while several Dreamland employees wanted to meet him, Leonardo could only relive the happy moments he had with his family. The reunion with Dani opened a precious trunk of memories.

He wanted to go back to those days.

Holding his hand, Benjin stood beside him and smiled tenderly. They said nothing to each other, although it wasn't even necessary.

When Vicente had been adamant that everyone return to their posts, only the three visitors, plus Mr. Barley and Benjin, remained near Leonardo. Dizzy and tired from answering questions about his family, the dark-haired man had to sit down for a moment.

— I never imagined that you were the son of someone so important, I just imagined that you were on bad terms with your father.

— When I left home, I had an argument with my father. He changed a lot after the death of... — Feeling the lump in his throat, Leonardo had been comforted by Benjin who didn't let go of his hand — My brother's. It was unbearable to stay here, so I ran away like a coward.

— Leo...

— But that wasn't the last time you saw him, was it?

Leonardo denied it with his head. Of course Rafael would know. Of the times Leonardo went to the hospital, there was only one time that Rafael himself took him. If he saw anyone wearing a top hat, he had to warn Leonardo. But only now Rafael understood that the man with the top hat must be Vicente. Luckily he never met him.

But he would never forget that the next day Leonardo would send a message saying that his father had died.

— Did you manage to talk to your father before he died? — asked Mr Barley.

— It was the only time he was awake when I went to visit. I was ashamed to face him, I thought I would get scolded for running away. But that night we talked after years.

— I didn't know you talked to your father, Leo.

— If I had known it would be the last, I would have apologised for being such a cowardly son. But in the end, he just told me to be happy.

— I... I'm going to cry — mumbled Juliano, trying to hold back the tears.

— Hehehe, no need to worry about me. I'm... over it.

Benjin leaned his chin on Leonardo's shoulder and looked at him worriedly. Surely he would say that he was over his father's death, but there were things that had not yet been overcome. Would it be okay for him to continue there in Dreamland?