Chapter 80 - Midnight fantasy

The queue of people to buy tickets for Winter Flavour's opening show was kilometres long. Children tugged at their parents' hands, begging to see the show, since all the main attractions would be taking part. Young people in costumes looked excited to be entertained as if it were another circus show.

Dreamland was already busy on a daily basis, but that weekend it seemed to be three times as busy.

— Over there, Gi.

Waking up from his daydreams, the detective remembered that he was there to accompany Viola as her guardian. And also not to miss the opportunity to look for a suspect. Taking the little girl beyond the queue, they went round the huge yellow decorated tent, encountering the usual rush of foremen and performers. This time, the back of the food court seemed to be bustling with restaurants and eateries that were also preparing for their debut.

In the middle of the mess was the administrator in costume, along with the plaza manager, who was also busy instructing some of the staff. As soon as they saw Giovani and Viola arrive, they both waved and smiled broadly.

— I see you're right on time! Have you had breakfast yet?

— Don't worry, take good care of your little artist — Giovani murmured, stroking Viola's head — I hope you don't mind me staying backstage with her.

— As if you hadn't been backstage with us for the last few months.

Giving a sly smile, the detective didn't dare answer Aslan. Nor was he surprised by the familiarity he felt being backstage at Dreamland.

— The young master was counting on your help, and I have to tell you that everything is ready — Vicente said, looking at his diary carefully — He would even like to ask you to keep an eye not only on the staff, but also on the customers.

— I've already placed some undercover policemen among the customers, don't worry, I've got my eye on absolutely every corner of this place.

His amber eyes twinkled cunningly, looking pleased with the answer.

Soon, Giovani and Viola were led into the space where the girl could prepare for the show. And just leaning back with his arms folded was enough for him to feel the anxiety of everyone there.

— Get the dancers' wigs!

— Let's check the lighting system again, as the boy asked.

— The music team has arrived!

The coming and going of employees did not escape the detective's attentive eyes. Every face, every movement did not go unnoticed. For someone who could carry out kidnappings, the bustle of the opening would be the perfect stage to fool someone like Giovani. And just thinking about it made the detective grit his teeth in frustration.

He wouldn't allow it.

He wouldn't let anyone else disappear under his nose.

Despite his lack of understanding of show business, Giovani stayed close to Viola like a bodyguard or a jealous uncle. Anyone who approached the girl was the target of an intimidating gaze that seemed to threaten every last drop of her soul. However, no one dared to fight with him, since he was Vicente's guest.

At least that's how the secretary justified the detective's presence without attracting too much attention.

And for the next few hours, Giovani kept his guard up while Viola did her make-up, changed clothes, received instructions from the producers and joined the other ballet dancers. The final preparations took place at the same time as the public entered the food court. The noise announced the start of the countdown, especially when the director gathered all the artists together.

The conversation between them ended when the main attractions appeared in full costume and make-up. Behind them, Leonardo also appeared wearing a burgundy tuxedo and his hair, which Giovani only now realised was so big that it was partially pinned up. While the young man was adjusting his black gloves, Vicente appeared beside him, handing him a beautifully decorated dark top hat with a burgundy band.

As soon as the boy had put on the top hat, he was also handed a short staff.

He looked like a circus entertainer from the 19th century.

— It's showtime!

As soon as the heir announced the start of the opening, Viola turned to the detective without letting go of his hand.

— I'll be back soon.

— Good luck, girl — smiled Giovani as he lightly stroked the girl's head, taking care not to spoil the hairstyle of her fairy costume. As soon as she had left with the others, the detective crossed his arms — She seems better now.

— I think that's thanks to your efforts to protect her.

Glancing over at the secretary, the detective couldn't hide his hint of pride at being recognised.

— Don't you have to go on stage too?

— I wasn't created to be on stage, but behind it. Should I even take you to the front row?

— What for?

— The young master has reserved a special table for you and me.

The boy had really made an effort to prepare for the opening. It was a relief that he hadn't been affected by the little investigation a few days ago. However, Giovani still had to do his job as an investigator.

Seeming to notice the detective's hesitation, Vicente continued.

— There's nothing to worry about. You'll have a good view during the show.

Scratching the back of his head, Giovani wasn't too happy about being caught out so blatantly. I mean, he usually knew how to hide his worries well, and yet Vicente discovered his discomfort as if it had been written on his forehead.

Without answering, he just followed the secretary through the corridors and soon left the improvised backstage to go to the food court, which was already completely full. The restaurants remained closed, and the public took precautions by bringing snacks from outside to watch the opening. As he followed the secretary, Giovani looked around, meeting some familiar faces and checking that everything was going smoothly.

Among the many tables in the square, only one had a special seating sign, where three young men were sitting. As soon as Giovani and Vicente approached, the boys waved in greeting.

— Hey Vicente! Thanks for inviting us.

— It was no big deal, besides you're friends of the young master, so of course you should come — Turning to the detective, Vicente continued — These are the young master's college friends.

— Got it, hello.

— Hello, we've brought some snacks for you to eat, if you like.

Sitting down next to a boy with messy hair, who was looking all over the place seeming to contain his excitement, Giovani had the feeling that they were there to see a real show. Well, maybe those boys were, but not him.

— Thanks, if you want anything you can let me know and I'll pay for it.

— Don't worry, man.

— Are you a friend of Leo too? — Another boy asked, just because he wanted to strike up a conversation.

How would they react if they knew he was a detective investigating disappearances in that place? It would certainly make those boys worried about their friend. Leonardo wouldn't like that...

It was better to avoid going into details.

— Yes, in a way.

— Giovani is the father of our new attraction — replied Vicente, making the detective choke on his own saliva.

Glaring angrily at the secretary, Giovani was blatantly ignored.

— New attraction? Wow, that's great! Who's that?

— You're getting excited again.

— I'm going to see the emergence of a new attraction! I never imagined I'd witness something like this.

— You must be proud to have your son here in Dreamland. Being so famous, it's hard for someone to get that high.

— Yeah... I'm very proud.

The background music was switched off and the lighting soon darkened the entire food court. The show was about to start, and all the visitors were anxiously preparing.

— Let's see if our Leo is a good actor.

— I think he's an excellent mechanic as an actor — laughed one of the friends.

The music of the accordion sounded through the speakers, and the magical atmosphere began to emerge with the smoke that covered the stage. A clown appeared in the centre of the stage, welcoming the audience with his act. Costumed stagehands and other clowns also appeared, introducing the audience to the magical world of the show.

The singer began to sing alongside the accordion player, the first group of dancers took to the stage and began a number with acrobats. Then Viola took to the stage.

Giovani settled back in his chair, never taking his eyes off the girl. Viola danced like a little fairy on stage, being the protagonist of that story where she could live out any fantasy she wanted whenever the moon was in the sky. When the dots glowed silver on the set, the little fairy appeared to show everyone her beautiful ballet steps.

She was so brilliant at showing her innocence and passion for dance that Giovani felt truly proud of the girl. He was also surprised to discover that Viola could dance ballet so well.

While the girl shone on stage, at key moments the other attractions also appeared, earning a round of applause from their fans. The first was Aslan, who seemed to act as a guide for the fairy on her journey to find her magical world. The blond-haired boy appeared from time to time, being mysterious and at the same time protecting her from the shadows that were trying to kidnap the little fairy.

Ray appeared to welcome the fairy, leading a series of performances by jugglers, fire-eaters, a super-strong man bending metal bars and other dancers. When the magician himself appeared to perform tricks, Giovani had to swallow his pride as he found himself interested in his performance.

— Wow, he's really good! — Gustavo laughed, seeming to read the detective's mind.

From his magic top hat came white birds, a long fabric that seemed to have no end. Playing cards emerged from the sleeve of his tuxedo, initiating new tricks. In the background, the accordion accompanied her every move, adding excitement to his act.

And so, the little fairy finally reached a forest of silver stars, where a lake awaited her. There, Viola danced alone, using a small pool of water to enchant her act. She really did look like a fairy.

At the end of her little solo act, Dreamland's most beloved trapeze artist appeared in the sky. Greeted with a round of applause from his fans, Benjin made his entrance as the stage moved to reveal the trampoline where he would soon begin his act.

— Our Benjin usually does aerial performances, but this time he accepted the challenge of trying to use the trampoline — Vicente commented to the others at the table.

— Why would he do that?

— Because it was a request from the young master.

— Ha, it seems that even the circus hunk can't say no to his boyfriend — Juliano commented.

— A boyfriend who's also his boss... It's like a Mexican soap opera.

Giovani stifled his laughter with a cough. Maybe the boy's friends were fun.

Benjin's performance was simply enchanting. The somersaults he did on the trampoline impressed the audience, especially seeing him do so many spins in the air. And at the end of the act, a fabric came down from the ceiling, while a clown attached a seat belt to Benjin's costume.

Wrapping the belt around his wrist and moving backwards to catch momentum, he began his trademark aerial act. The choreography was stunning, and the more he spun in the air, almost flying over the audience's heads, the more sighs he drew from his admirers. Giovani had to admit, they were all good.

No, not good. They were... excellent.

There was no word that could describe the talent they had on stage.

After wrapping the sash around his body, Benjin was taken up high where he began to spin round and round, bringing his act to an end. Behind him, the two other actors who had already performed appeared in front of Viola, with space between them. Benjin joined them, and the lighting soon showed the young man in the burgundy tuxedo and top hat, whose face was hidden in the shadows.

The whole audience was immersed in silence, but the boys at the table recognised him immediately.

— It's Leo!

On Ray and Aslan's chests, a red stone brooch shone brightly. Benjin was the only one who didn't have one, which aroused Giovani's curiosity. The little fairy seemed enchanted by the brooches, holding out her hands to win one too. Leonardo was holding a brooch and was about to put it on the fairy when she was finally taken away by the show's enemy.

The show continued with the little fairy kidnapped by the shadows and saved by the attractions and Leonardo. The entire narrative featured well-rehearsed choreography that drew applause from the audience.

At the end of the play, Leonardo, who represented the owner of that fantasy world, seemed to set off on a long journey, leaving his world in Benjin's hands. To symbolise the passing of a new ruler, Leonardo put the golden ring with a blue and red gradient stone on his left ring finger.

The show ended with the little fairy being welcomed into the fantasy world and given her own stage. When the clock struck twelve and the navy blue sky was covered in silver stars, the theme tune to the midnight fantasy sounded, making the fairy dance beautifully.

All the artists gathered on stage with the theme song being played and sung by the official circus band. Everyone bowed to the audience and received a round of applause, and when the five protagonists of the play came together, the audience went wild. There, their names were announced and they could step forward to receive the applause. When Leonardo was introduced as an Evilian, he certainly became the target of camera flashes and everyone's curiosity.

And so Winter Flavour was inaugurated, and Viola became Dreamland's new attraction.

— What a treat! Leo was really cool.

— But didn't you think he was too romantic when he gave his boyfriend the ring? — Smile Rafael — He even kissed his hand.

— Leo must be getting looser, before he would hardly cuddle up to Patrícia.

Giovani didn't dare to make any guesses in that conversation, especially when the restaurants opened and the queues started to appear. Lunchtime soon began and the square was filled with the sound of chatter.

— Hey, Vicente, are Leo and the guys having lunch later? — Rafael asked.

— For his safety and that of the other artists, it's better if they have lunch backstage...

— Gi!

The little fairy appeared, hugging the detective with her eyes shining. Giovani was surprised by her appearance, but promptly held her back before she hurt herself.

— I thought you were with the others, Viola.

— I wanted to see you! Did I dance well?

Oh, she wanted to be praised. The sweat on her face and her hot body showed the effort she had made during her performance. Removing his sweatshirt, Giovani covered her and stroked her head affectionately.

— You danced very well, girl. I'm proud of your effort.

— Hehe!

— There's an attraction right in front of me....

Vicente soon approached Giovani's ear, whispering.

— We'd better escort her backstage before the crowd notices and surrounds her.

— You're right.

Leaving it up to Vicente to come up with a lame excuse for the boys, Giovani simply held Viola's hand and said goodbye to them before heading back to the backstage. With the girl holding the hands of the two adults, Giovani once again experienced that strange feeling of being seen as a family with the administrator.

But he was going to ignore his annoyance as the girl seemed happy.

However, on their way to the backstage, Viola suddenly stopped walking. Waking up from his daydreams, Giovani realised that all the girl's happiness had been replaced by a look of dread, and that his hand was getting colder and colder.

— What's wrong, Viola? Is something wrong?

— What's he doing here?

Vicente's question increased the detective's strangeness, but as soon as he saw a black top hat among the staff, his eyes couldn't help but bulge when he recognised the black hair tied up.

The figure was standing still and when he looked over his shoulder, he seemed to be staring directly at them. A mischievous smile appeared on his face and his index finger was asking for silence.

That was definitely the guy Giovani had seen in the mirror with Leonardo the other day.

He had finally found the kidnapper.