Chapter 86 - Agreement with an Evilian

There was something strange about it.


Leonardo couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling. It was as if he was missing information that was right under his nose, but no matter how hard he tried to see it, he couldn't figure out what it was.

This irritated him even more.

— What's with the face, kid?

Snapping out of his thoughts, Leonardo realised he was at the dinner table next to the attractions. He had barely touched his plate. Sighing heavily, he straightened up and began to eat.

— I'm just worried about one of my friends, no big deal.

— Did something happen?

— Gustavo's sister had an accident and is in hospital. It seems that the family's financial situation is not good — Immediately, Leonardo looked at the administrator — Vicente, please pass on Gustavo's salary.

— As you wish, young master.

— You're working at the table again — grumbled Viola with a peck on the lips.

— They're boring, don't you think, Vivi? — Ray joked, with the girl nodding in agreement.

— I just hate feeling imposing like this — Leonardo whispered, taking a piece of meat into his mouth — What about the investigations, Giovani?

The detective grimaced as he leaned back in his chair.

— I spread the word about that guy, but nobody seems to know him. Even the government database doesn't show anything.

A pang of guilt hit Leonardo. Of course he wouldn't, Diablo isn't even human. It would only be suspicious if he told the detective to keep the search to Dreamland.

Leonardo still wanted to keep him in the dark as much as possible.

— By the way, Mr. Detective, how long do you intend to stay with us? 

— Why, does my presence bother you?

— Of course not, you're the esteemed guest of the young master. If you were a nuisance, I would have made you magically disappear by now.

Ray, as always, would argue with Giovani whenever he felt bored. In a twisted way, it was their way of expressing their friendship.

— Ever since the day the girl saw that guy in the food court, she's been having nightmares. I can't help worrying.

— Oh my, has Viola been having trouble sleeping?

The girl's cheeks reddened at Vicente's question, and out of embarrassment she remained silent. Giovani stroked her head and smiled slightly in encouragement, then turned to the others.

— Although she has improved a lot lately, there may still be signs of post-traumatic stress. That's why I'm still here.

— In that case, I'll prepare some warm milk with honey for her to drink before bed.

— You two sound like a pair of parents worried about their little girl — Aslan commented occasionally.

From then on, dinner was noisy, with Giovani reacting to every provocation and Ray seizing the opportunity to annoy him. Leonardo kept quiet while he ate, not really in the mood to join in the banter. 

Feeling a soft touch on his hand, he received his lover's concerned gaze. Raising his head, he saw those sad eyes and a frown on his forehead.

Haa... What kind of face was he making to make Benjin so worried? His puppet looked more like a puppy wanting to lift its master's spirits. Holding his hand and placing a seal on his fingers, Leonardo tried to calm Benjin down.

Not that it worked very well.

After dinner, Leonardo went to his office with Vicente to take care of his friend's salary. Benjin lay his head on his thighs, sitting on the floor and staring at him with those bright eyes. How could he concentrate on finishing his work with him staring at him like that?

— Ben, the floor is cold. You'll catch a cold if you carry on like this.

— But I don't want to leave you...

He was sly.

And in a way, Benjin didn't say much, as if he was wary of his young master's humour. Not that Leonardo was going to blow up at his lover. It was just that his mind kept focussing on other things.

However, it wasn't as if he could go against that ownerless dog face.

Reaching out to grasp Benjin's elbow, Leonardo helped him up and sat him on his lap.

— I know you'd rather I stayed on your lap, but for today just stay like this.

The trapeze artist snuggled into Leonardo's chest and stayed there. For a moment his heart raced just having him in his arms, and even his ears turned red at their closeness. But now Leonardo didn't have to hide anything from Benjin.

It was good for him to know how much he moved just by touching him.

— Young master, please, if you keep your thoughts to yourself, I'm afraid our Benjin will become even more sly and difficult to handle.

Leonardo let out a low, muffled laugh.

Indeed, Benjin always became sly and docile when Leonardo's mood fluctuated. Careful and attentive to improve his mood at the right time. He could already imagine the perverted ideas he'd come up with to cheer up his young master later on. 

— I'd better sort this out soon, hadn't I?

— What do you want to do, young master?

— I'm worried that Gustavo's sister's medical expenses will leave him exhausted — Tapping his fingers lightly on Benjin's waist, Leonardo finally came to a conclusion — Vicente, pass on your duties tomorrow to Aslan and get ready to go out with me in the afternoon.

— Yes, sir.

— What do you mean, go out? Why are you going out with Vinnie? Take me along!

— You can't leave Dreamland, isn't that what you told me?

Benjin pursed his lips and turned his face away. He was angry and was going to throw a tantrum, but Leonardo still thought he was adorable.

— Then I'll go and have a chat with Aslan. Excuse me.

As soon as Vicente left the office, Leonardo grabbed Benjin's chin and forced him to face him. 

— Why are you sulking?

— I'm not.

— Do you want to go out with me that much?

— I do — he mumbled, tightening his embrace — You're only thinking about that drummer, I don't like him.

Benjin had always been jealous of Gustavo. At least that's what Ray told him as soon as Leonardo announced he'd hired him. And the proof was the tantrum Benjin threw soon after, not sleeping in his young master's room for days.

It took Leonardo an extraordinary amount of strength not to laugh at such a tantrum.

All it took was a little seduction on his part - aka wearing his overalls and a black tank top - and Benjin locked him in his room. That day, Leonardo discovered that his greatest secret weapon was his work clothes. And because of the intensity of his puppet's desire, the brunette chose to wear overalls and tank tops only as a last resort.

After all, Benjin was insatiable.

— So you're angry with me because I'm not giving you the attention you want?

— Yes, I am! That's rude! I'll have that detective arrest you for abandonment of an incapacitated person.

— Incapacitated person? 

His face reddening, Benjin looked away shyly.

— You addicted me and now I'm incapable of living without Leo. You must take responsibility.


That perverted puppet.

How ingenious he was at stealing attention. However, Leonardo also had his cards up his sleeve. Or rather, a bit of a grudge.

— Really? When I picked you up from the gym, you were so happy chatting to your friends that you didn't even notice when I arrived. It seems that my puppet already knows how to manage without me...

Wide-eyed, Benjin grabbed Leonardo's shoulders to stop him getting out of his chair. Not that the brunette was going to leave, but the desperation remained.

— When did I do that?

— A few days ago. All smiles for those guys. The only thing missing was them drooling all over you — Leonardo murmured, drumming his fingers on Benjin's neck — smiling all happy at them while ignoring me.

It was embarrassing to admit to being jealous of Benjin. It was just annoying when they decided to walk around Dreamland and someone stopped to take a photo and chat to the trapeze artist. Being the main attraction at the circus was not just any position.

Benjin was loved by the customers.

That was annoying.

Leonardo leaned over and put his face close to the puppet's neck. Depositing a simple seal on his skin, he felt him shiver in his arms. Running the tip of his tongue over and sucking on his neck, Leonardo revelled in the moan that Benjin let out as he marked his skin. As punishment, he left other hickey marks on his neck.

Pulling away enough to appreciate his dirty little job, Leonardo smiled with satisfaction.

— I'm not opening my legs for you until you behave, Benjin. 

— Leo... That's low! — Shouted a sly puppet, jumping off Leonardo's lap to pull him by the arm — I didn't do anything!

— Didn't you? Wow. So you're flirting with other people and you don't even know it? How terrible.

— Leo!

It was fun to play with Benjin, but if it continued he was sure to start crying at any moment. Just this once, just that night, Leonardo would like to be the villain. Crossing his legs and refusing to get up, the young master smiled mischievously at the puppet.

— Have fun with your friends while I'm away tomorrow. I don't know what time I'll be back.


In a private hospital, Leonardo and Vicente watched an intubated woman with a body full of wires. She was pale compared to the last time they had seen her. They had met on the first night Gustavo played at Rodie's bar. She had come to cheer on her brother and to meet the band to make sure they were all good guys.

Because Leonardo was dating another girl at the time, he didn't get very close to Isabel. But from time to time they greeted each other and chatted when they bumped into each other at college. She was a good girl who cared about her younger brother.

That's where her friends got the nickname Gustavo from.

It was really sad to see her in that state.

— Excuse me — A hesitant voice caught Leonardo's attention — You're...

He was identical to Gustavo. With a few grey hairs in his hair, Leonardo thought that this was his friend's father. And just like the drummer, he had a tired look on his face. It seemed that the situation was really bad for them.

— Hello, I'm Leonardo Evilian. I was the one who rang you yesterday.

— Ah... Right. Come in, please.

The man opened the door to the next room, which was a waiting room. This was probably where he stayed when he visited his daughter. It wasn't a very spacious place, but at least it was cosy enough for the patients' visitors to rest.

Sitting on an upholstered seat, Leonardo watched as the man took two cups of coffee from the machine and handed one to himself. Accepting the offer, he took a sip, remembering the time he used to drink coffee like that when he worked in the workshop. They weren't great quality, but they weren't too bad.

— Your surname... You're from that famous place, aren't you?

— Oh yes, I'm glad you recognise me — smiled Leonardo, crossing his legs.

— May I ask how you met my son?

— At college. I was the one who asked Gustavo to play in the band. And when a drummer position opened up in the circus band, I asked him if he wanted to be hired.

— Oh, I see. Thank you very much for looking after my son.

— That's great! We're great friends. That's why I was very surprised when I heard about the accident. I think it's a difficult time for the whole family.

He sighed and leaned on his knees. Difficult was a shallow word.

— Things have always been difficult at home, so I was pleased when Gustavo said he'd found a good job. I wanted him to keep his money for himself, but...

— Knowing him, I know he'd feel guilty about not being able to help with the hospital costs — Leonardo stared into his coffee cup — A public hospital wouldn't be able to treat her properly. But a private hospital is too expensive, I understand.

— Haha, please don't bother with us. Take good care of Gustavo, I know he's talented and will be a great help.

Now Leonardo knew whom his friend had pulled. Even with his pitiful and desperate countenance, he would still say that everything was fine. Unfortunately, Leonardo worried about his friend precisely because of this habit.

— I called you to make a deal — Leonardo held out his hand and Vicente handed him the yellow envelope. I'll pay for Isabel's treatment until she recovers completely. But in return...

The gentleman's eyes widened, then he looked at Leonardo in surprise. 

— Do you want me to help you get in touch with my boss?

— You work with an advisory company, don't you? Dreamland has always taken care of this with an in-house team, but lately we've had some problems that could affect our position in the market. If you help me, I'll help you too.

— But that... 

— I'm doing this because I like my friendship with Gustavo, and because I care about him. I know he'll feel better if he knows his sister is being looked after properly — Letting out a low laugh, Leonardo adopted a more relaxed posture to lighten the mood — But I know he'd feel bad and refuse my help. That's why I'm considering a contract where we help each other.

— So, until the end of Isabel's treatment, you want me to be your advisor? 

— That's right.

Leonardo got up from the upholstery and straightened his jacket, taking a card from his pocket. Handing it to the gentleman, the young man was charisma in person. He would smile and nod to make the best possible impression in order to get the desired result.

— I ask you to consider the proposal and contact my administrator when you have made a decision. If you accept, we'll send you a contract.

— Right, thank you very much...

— Oh, and keep this a secret from Gustavo. I don't want to put any pressure on him.

The man agreed, still not quite believing Leonardo. If Leonardo were him, he wouldn't believe him either. It was too good to be true.

When his father was hospitalised, Leonardo didn't have to worry about expenses. However, he was well aware of the despicable feelings that can engulf those who are rooting for a patient's recovery. If he could, he would have liked Gustavo not to go through that.

However, Leonardo wanted to keep up appearances while protecting his friends. Just as he would keep Juliano and Rafael under Barley's supervision, he would keep Gustavo under the watchful eye of the circus band members. And that way, he could keep them away from the park, where a certain demon was wandering around.

It would be easier to prevent them from entering, but Leonardo loved the company of his friends. Having the Dreamland Mansion staff and his best friends getting on well together was like a dream that made Leonardo ambitious. As long as he could protect them, he would move mountains for them.

Even if he had to play dirty.