Rei Ven-August

Staring into a mirror in the infirmary I saw myself staring back, I appeared the same as I looked when I was a teenager, minus the purple eyes I had in my last life, they now are a dark grey color.


My figure in the mirror was around 6'2 in height, with black hair that fell around my neck. And to note my muscles weren't really that toned which isn't surprising.

'I'm quite handsome...'

Then something hit me immediately my eyes widened, my breath became unsteady, and I nearly lost balance falling onto the ground.

"N-no way..."

'Oh my god...'

In the past, I would have shrugged something like this off but now, as a 15-year-old in mind and body, I felt like killing myself.

"I can't fucking believe this, I'm pretty much a side villain from a novel?"

The reason for my instant fall into depression was simple, Rei Ven-August is me. By now I've found out what God did he brought my soul to this world, I lived for 15 years and then suddenly my memories awakened, which makes sense I guess. Trust me there is not much to be happy about.

"Did I say "courting death"?"

Rei Ven-August is a talented boy that came from a family of swordsmen of the Count rank, but Rei, no... I didn't put any effort towards anything, I've seriously spent my whole life bullying and being a side character. Well, Rei is me I guess this is what would have happened if I grew up pampered and rich.

With my emotions returned I felt everything hit me like a bullet, my current life... And even in my past life as a "god" the amount of embarrassment was too much to handle, I could only critique myself... Constantly...

I tried to calm my entire body with deep breaths, then I began pacing around the room.

'This situation isn't entirely bad now that I've gained human-level intelligence I can fix the mistakes in the past, I must admit though this mana is incredible.'

Aura was simple, everyone had a core, but only some people had cores strong enough to perform superhuman actions. Mana is...

'Simply amazing' I thought to myself.

Mana in this world influences everything, from gravity to time, and space. Humans manipulate mana using a Mana Heart, as your connection to mana grows so does the stamina and power of your Mana Heart. Imagine this, mana is similar to gas in the air in a way; But with the ability to use a Mana Heart, you can manipulate it into becoming water, fire, lightning, rocks, gravity, and many other things.

Though this knowledge is only what I have been taught since I've been slacking off and being a prick to everyone that's about all I know about mana and I am hardly proficient in controlling it. Can't believe I have never trained seriously a single day in my life... I've only really tried when we were forced to and graded in the academy to not fail.

'Crazy though how I've gotten so strong despite not trying, even though I'm drastically weaker than I should be at this age I still outclass many of my peers.'

Soon I heard footsteps echoing throughout the halls. The door creaked open and a beautiful girl that was even taller than me with black hair and yellow eyes walked in.

'Angelica Ven-August, my sister well... Half'

when his father had an affair with a random commoner who soon vanished when Rei turned 4. His family truly saw him as a disgrace, but it seemed his sister truly cared for him.

"Hello, older sister," I said while taking a slight bow and then looking at her in her eyes.

Soon her cold voice illuminated the quiet room. The school day had ended a while ago and she had finished up some extra training she put in.

"We're leaving, the nurse said there was nothing to worry about and your strange situation was caused by something mental, if there is something you need to get off your chest I will be willing to listen to you."

I spoke up quickly in a respectful manner.

"Ah! No, it's just that school had been tiring I decided to put in a little bit of extra training for the tournament in 2 months, and the summoning ritual the month before that."

'She probably doesn't believe that, considering it was rare for me to train even on important occasions.'

Her expression lightened a bit after her words and she thought to herself for a few seconds before speaking. " I'm glad you're starting to take the academy seriously... After all, I believe you have the talent to be a future pillar of the human race."

"Thank you, sister."

She chuckled after

'Was my sister always like this? Though she does seem happy rarely It's seldom been with me besides when I was still a young child'

"Let's go, Rei."


Waking up in my bed I once again took notice of how extravagant my room was, even though it seemed to be the smallest out of the family it still was quite nice, I've also been into fashion so I had plenty of clothing to wear.

The Ven-August family was a renowned family of the sword, originating from the Central Empire; Though currently, it's a family in the Kingdom of Reyn... The world is a planet called Yenlireu, It's about 10x as large as earth and it's very interesting in terms of the situation it's in.

Elves, Demons, Orcs, Dwarves, Monsters, and obviously Humans. You name it all types of diverse people roam this planet, well its 10x the size of the earth so I'd be surprised if it was just humans, humans themselves own about 20% of the planet with Elves, Orcs, and Dwarves having about 10-15% of it each. Demons on the other hand inhabit about 40% and are still conquesting... Monsters live about everywhere mainly in dungeons but are still prominent in the wild, and stronger monsters have territories nobody seems to enter.

I yawned and stretched before starting the exercise, I decided to do pushups and mana control training is essential.

Mana control is determined by 10 classes, right now I'm in the third class of mana control which is pretty sad for a renowned noble family. Swordsmanship is similar but it's rated by stars up to 10 similar to mana control, I'm currently a 4 star in swordsmanship, it's good to progress faster in your early life in this world since when the latter stars or classes take decades to reach. The most famous Archwizard known as 'Pale Morning' is rumored to have achieved immortality, they say every time he appears he seems closer to youth and he's been around for about 3000 years. Since he is solitary, he hardly ever helps with the threat of Demon invasion. and currently, Demons have a peace treaty with Humans but that last for only about 10 more years and it's really just on paper so they can do anything.

Finishing up my exercise I heard tapping sounds approaching my door, which seemed to be heels. With that, I could guess who was coming.

"Young Ma-"

Immediately as the woman opened her eyes she blushed seeing the handsome figure drenched in sweat, but soon quickly regain composure. Noticing this I greeted her in a sly way,

"Haru! Good morning! It's a bit strange for you to blush seeing a child you raised..."

"Young master, it's a bit too early for you to be hitting on me... And I was only surprised to see you working diligently which is scarce."

Coughing I changed the topic

"Could you take me to my mother's room?"

"Yes, young master."

After our brief exchange, she led me out of my room into the luxurious halls of the estate, walking out I caught my older brother Gale's gaze and heard him murmur the words


Gale was a youth 1 year older than me who had dark blue hair and yellow eyes, his appearance was extremely close to his mother's.

Me and my brother never had a good relationship, being compared to me by other nobles and his mother Sierra, he always was an asshole... Though I could tell, he really was just disappointed in me and didn't truly hate me.

Maybe if my father had another child I wouldn't be the shame of the family after all, it's strange for a Duke to have only 3 successors... Father is truly a strange person. My father hardly ever spoke to me, this didn't mean he cared for me though. He's continued to provide me with high-quality education and living since my birth, he must have truly loved my mother.

Soon we arrived in front of the door to my mother's room, taking a deep breath I entered.

'It looks the same as always, a breathtakingly beautiful room... I guess as a commoner my mother really loved luxury, since my mother presumably died everything in this room was owned by me, and my mother had some interesting things... In my past life as Z-z'

Something hit me at that moment.

'W-what was my name?'

After a moment I recalled it

'Zenith... Zenith... Yes... It was Zenith'

And I immediately realized, my memories of my past life are rapidly fading. Despite me only being here for a day, I had forgotten the majority of my life... Even my family's names I'd forgotten I still remembered roughly their appearances. I would doubt that I even had a past life at this point if the memory of me meeting God, was being forgotten for some reason it was the only memory that was clear and I had no signs of forgetting.

Immediately I called out to the woman with blonde hair and blue eyes who had raised me almost as if I was her child, after my mother's passing. "Haru... I need you to bring me 6 scrolls and a large notebook, as well as multiple pens, I will be in this room for the next 4 days and let every servant know not to bother me as well as my family. I will not even be needing food, after you bring my supplies this door stays closed until 4 days have passed."

Haru had a strange look and it seemed as if she was a little curious and then she suddenly exclaimed.

"Rei! What has gotten into you suddenly."

"Please Haru."

"Yes, young master."


Immediately I began copying down the sword art I spent my entire life developing onto the scrolls, maybe 6 scrolls was excessive but If I was forgetting these facts I would need to go into a lot of detail. After I had finished creating my sword manual, I began writing down everything important I remembered about my old life... I would surely make a routine of reading through this notebook...

After these events, I became diligent with my training, and my family obviously began to notice. Soon a month had quickly passed, and my days consisted of training, the academy, and skimming through the notebook of my past life... Quickly I began to disassociate from the identity "Zenith" But I seem to have kept the character traits of Zenith, even currently I see the 15 years I spent of my life as completely embarrassing.

My current morning started out with me practicing the imperial sword art the academy had been teaching us, as well as movement arts, as I was practicing I heard a familiar voice call out to me. Immediately I rolled my eyes as I heard it


"Rei, father has called for you."

Gale looked at me with a serious looked, it seemed he was proud of me maybe? Who knows, but this news was great. I was kinda expecting Gale to just insult me or ask to spar and then beat me up because he packs far more speed and power than I currently have due to my weak mana class.

I smiled at Gale

"We shouldn't make him wait then."