Disciplinary Committee (02)

"So not only did you fail to kill the Hero Ithral, but you also managed to let her get away unscathed?"

"The lord won't be happy with your failure."

Ithral stood silent, the entire upper echelon of demons was around this table and some of them could annihilate him faster than a summer ant.

"Minos and Ithral, the lord has called you."

Hearing those words both Minos and Ithral stood up, Ithral was a pale man with black hair accompanied by deep red eyes that held glasses, and Minos, on the other hand, was a giant black minotaur that carried around two giant axes on his back.

Minos was a demon-ranked prince, the highest one could receive from the Demon King. Minos himself had been a demon even before the Demon King was born and was the most ancient and oldest demon alive.

Both Minos and Ithral entered a room with a long red carpet leading up to a curtain with a silhouette behind it.

A few coughs came from behind the curtain, "Thank you for coming Minos, and Ithral."

Minos kneeled and arched his head, "We could never refuse your calls, my lord."

Ithral kneeled soon after Minos in accordance.

"Ithral you have failed your mission... I am greatly disappointed..."

An ominous pressure filled the room.

"F-forgive me, my lord." Ithral stuttered

The silhouette laughed, "Do not worry... Ithral I do not blame you for the set of events that occurred after all... An unknown variable interfered."

"An unknown variable?" Minos spoke up.

"Yes, I watched through the demon who pursued the Hero after the miraculous escape, we aren't dealing with the usual threat." The silhouette shifted positions in their chair and after a moment they spoke again. "We're dealing with a dragon."

Cold sweat ran down both the demon's faces, and the atmosphere turned grim.

"Do not fret." The silhouette breathed with a calm tone. "The dragon is still young, Ithral could handle him without much effort... The problem lies in the consequences of killing a dragon if we recklessly kill the young dragon, the one backing him would probably eradicate our entire race if not the entire planet."

"What would you have us do then?" Minos asked

"It's simple! Don't kill the dragon... We will attack the banquet coming up where all youths and pillars of humanity meet... Even if we don't end up killing many of them, the infighting and corruption will spread, then we can focus on conquering the eleven territories."

"The dragon will attend that banquet, despite not being a human?" Minos questioned

"You're too cautious Minos, you've always been this way. The dragon is not really a dragon currently? I'm not too sure about his situation, but I have a few ideas on the situation... Anyways if you feel any Draconic Force just make sure to hold him off Minos while Ithral and our pawns will take care of the rest."

"Yes, my lord." Both Ithral and Minos stood to their feet.

The curtain between them and the silhouette raised, a woman with purple long hair and red eyes was sitting on a throne. Raosias, the Demon King had a passionate smile as Ithral and Minos left the room.


"It's been a while, grandfather."

"Indeed Rei, I have a few things to share with you," Azazel said tilting his head and resting it on his fist.

"I have a few questions as well..." I added

Azazel chucked, "I expected as much, I'll go first."

"That's fine."

My grandfather's expression changed to a serious one and he stared at my chest. This embarrassed me a little so I decided to just stare into the distance while he was doing whatever he was doing.

"You're in quite the situation Rei, you're going to fully transcend into a dragon soon and whatever human that was in you will be purged out. You should probably avoid any quarrels with other humans until you're ready to become a dragon. Whenever you're a dragon my spell that connects us will break, meaning we will lose contact probably for a long time as well so you won't be able to call on my help anymore... As for the reason, a dragon's soul is simply too strong for my spell to hang on."

"I see, so this may be the last time we speak... Unless I call on you?"


My grandfather had a bitter smile on his face. He reached over to a drink that was on the table, I have no idea what sipping a drink would really do for him in my consciousness so I just didn't question his actions.

"You can ask your questions now Rei."

"Yes." I had a simple answer, before going into deep thought about all I would ask him.

"My first question is, what is my connection to Zenith?"

"Good question, to put it in simple terms Zenith is a copy of your soul from a different reality Zenith isn't really your past life in fact the events that happened to him probably happened far in the future from now... Time isn't linear for us interdimensional creatures, I'm guessing your mother and the anomaly cut some kind of deal to fuse your soul with Zeniths."

I had a strange expression on my face, the information I was taking in was stranger than my expression so this was natural. "So ummm, why did most of Zenith's memories fade?" I asked

"Because Zenith isn't exactly you in some aspects though he pretty much is, and whatever happened with him isn't at the same time as me and you currently... For you who aren't yet at this level of power, having memories from a different time and reality is against the laws of nature themselves. As for your mother's sword being Zenith's sword... Even I cannot explain that, perhaps Zenith never existed but that is impossible. I can see Zenith's soul fused in with yours, I'm sure you've also felt his influence at times, perhaps while sword fighting?"

"Yes, he guided my sword once and I had clearly felt his experiences through myself... I can confirm Zenith is not false memories." I skeptically said that, but honestly, most of the stuff my grandfather mentioned was out of this world... Anything could happen at this point.

My grandfather chucked, "I'm asking the questions now it seems... You're probably wondering who the anomaly is, it's the 'God' who you met, it's not really all-powerful like you think, It simply reigns over time and regulates it."

"I see."

"Do you have any more questions?"

"Are there any other dragons on this planet?"

"Yes, but you'll have to find their whereabouts yourself, and no it's not your mother."

"I see," I muttered

"Last time I was here you mentioned something called Song?"

My grandfather's eyes brightened and he had a smile, "I'm glad you said something because I would have forgotten to inform you about it, the Song is what us dragons use to perform spells it's similar to mana only in simple terms... Most dragons can manipulate the Song and it will perform magic or whatever miracles they require of it, but our bloodline at the apex of dragons can control Song as if it's our servant, we can do about anything with it and can manipulate it at a much higher level than other dragons!" He had been talking enthusiastically about Song and it seemed he forgot about me, he refocused on me and apologized before speaking again. "Unfortunately for you, the Song isn't something you can learn to control in a few years without training, perhaps if you find that other dragon or if your mother left you something you will be able to learn through those mediums... If not I'm afraid I'll have to teach you myself when I get the opportunity to visit you, which won't be in the next few hundred years."

"I see." I sighed. I was truly disappointed by this turn of events. "That's the last of my questions..."

"Then this is goodbye my grandson... Although I feel like I'm forgetting something, we will meet again." Azrael waved

The cabin began vanishing and my vision began to get lighter and lighter, looking over at my grandfather I saw a panicked expression on his face.

"You're dragon name your mother gave you is Arulwyr!" He yelled


Waking up I looked out the window noticing it was turning night time I breathed a sigh of relief.


"Who's Arulwyr?"

Jumping out of my bed at the voice I saw Dawn standing by my bedside.

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked calming down

"I wanted to talk to you about what happened the other day, but when I tried to wake you up you wouldn't wake up so I decided to just wait," Dawn answered while rubbing her finger across the wall.

"Didn't you have company?"

"She already left?"

"How come you intrude in my room so much?" I said with an annoyed expression.

"I knocked and stood outside the door for like 10 minutes."

"Oh...Sorry." I apologized clearing my throat I continued. "I have some things to write down, we can meet up in town and talk about it at a cafe or something."

"Sure," Dawn replied

Right after our exchange Dawn left my room, I decided to write down every single piece of information I retained from my conversation with my grandfather.

'Ugh, I still have to deal with that Edmund fellow soon.'

Taking a deep breath I ruffled my hair and continued writing.