Tathariel (02)

"Great Arulwyr you cannot threaten young elves."

Shutting a book I looked behind me seeing Princess Neriah, a cute short young elf with snowy hair and blue eyes. Despite her being so cute she's close to a hundred years old, which is kind of off-putting looking at her.

"I apologize I overstepped my bounds and acted immaturely." I apologized

"It's okay, actually I came to tell you something else." She snapped after her words and the image of hundreds of demons appeared. "Demons... Are attacking from the west and south, we would like you to handle the western attack."

"I'll handle it." I simply said standing up and suppressing my anger, ever since the incident that took my sister's life from me I have grown to hate demons.


Stepping out of the woods I cast my gaze on the lines of thousands of demons standing still outside the forest. Laughter rang out from the demons, perhaps because I was one person I don't know. What I did know is that they were all going to die if they didn't leave.

A massive demon soon approached me he seemed to be about 8ft in height and towered over me.

"The elves dare to meet our forces with just, you?"

"Leave now or every single demon here will be eradicated."

The demon rested his hand on my shoulder and burst out in laughter.

"Are the elves this desperate? Look at these men, today we will conquer their forest!" The declared with his hands wide looking at the demons. "Now elf... I suggest you leave now or you will be killed."

"I gave you a warning." I looked at the demon annoyed.

"Perhaps this one has a dea-"

Right as he was finishing his sentence I released my Draconic Will an ability that uses my lineage to restrain weaker beings. The large demon fell to his knees and I pulled out Phaedra from my sub-space impaling him.

'Thunderbolt.' I chanted in my mind.

Lightning crackled out from the spear inside the body of the demon, I picked up the spear and the demon stayed on it, the other demons began charging at me watching my actions. Right as they neared me I threw the spear with the demon still impaled on it, the sound of a thunderbolt rang throughout the battlefield, and instantly, destruction.

Around 80% of the demons were instantly evaporated by my attack, the land was charred and burnt and a single spear flew back to my hands covered in blood that seemed burnt into it.

"I told you, I would kill you all. And I will."

I plunged the spear into the ground and two bright wings grew out of my back, I ascended leaving the spear and condensing Althieus into the air before me. Soon above the demons, confirming their locations I split Althieus apart trapping them inside a cage made of shards.

"Spare us!"

"Please mighty elf!"

"We will cease our attacks!."

Hearing the trashy demons beg for their miserable lives I stood silent raising my hand, Phaedra flew straight into my hands from the ground. Channeling an intense amount of energy into the spear the lightning crackled ferociously, I then plunged toward the ground.

The lightning conducted small shards of Althieus through the air incinerating everything within the cage, all the demons were turned to ash and the only signs of battle were the devastation to the landscape.

"You're all lucky I gave you an easy death." I looked at the devastation before me convincing myself this was the best course of action.

'It's not over yet.' I thought while ascending and cutting through the air at speeds close to light itself. Very soon I arrived at the southern part of the forest, the elves were fighting the demons off well, seeing this I decided they didn't need me so I descended landing beside the captain of the elven royal knights.

The royal knight captain was a muscular, tall, and very beautiful elf with uncommon green hair and green eyes.

"Good work here, Rivena." I walked up to her with a bitter smile.

"How did things go on your end?" She looked at me with a confused expression.

"I killed them all, they fought against me with no signs of retreat."

"Is that so."

"It seems to have turned out that way." I lied.

"Looks like we're done here," Rivena said while walking onto the warzone, they had taken the demons who surrendered captive and killed any who had any fighting spirit left.

I stood in the same spot waiting for them to finish, after about 20 minutes Rivena walked back up to me with a serious face.

"The High King has called for us, it seems the situation with the orcs has gone south... He has some things to discuss with us after all the orcs are valuable assets to fighting the demons."

"I will attend the summon with you."

Rivena swiped her hand and spirits gathered around her, soon the air itself ripped apart revealing a small warp gate.

'Spirit magic...'

I entered the warp gate behind Rivena, after stepping through I ended up in a fancy room made of completely wood with nobody but the High King of elves, Amroth sitting in a chair at the end of a large table in the center of the room.

"Come sit, Rivena and great d-... Protector Arulwyr."

"Yes, your majesty." Both of us responded with a slight bow before taking a seat at the table.

Clearing his throat the king put on a serious expression and looked us both in our eyes, "The orcs are in dire need of support, I would like you and Arulwyr personally to investigate the Scorchlands and help the orc tribes that still align with the cause of defeating the demons."

"I will carry out your orders High King." Rivena immediately when Amroth finished.

Scratching my head I sighed while looking at Rivena, I wanted to spend my years simply training but letting the orcs go corrupt wasn't in my plans, and I couldn't refuse after all the hospitality Amroth has given me.

I looked back at Amroth and gave a small nod to him. "I will also go," I said shortly after my nod, Amroth looked slightly happy after hearing my words.

"Remember the Scorchlands is a dangerous place, a desert with hellish levels of heat, dangerous monsters lurking, and possibly orcs under the influence of demons who will outright attack you... Make sure to prepare well for your trip, that is all you may leave. And good luck."


"What the hell!" I shouted as we finally crossed the mountain peak separating the elven forest from the Scorchlands.

Rivena looked at me shivering, she was covered in snow and looked as if she was on the verge of death despite us only being in the Scorchlands for a few seconds.

"Why is there a blizzard in the desert? And this place is a wasteland, where is everyone?"

"I-I have n-no c-clue," Rivena replied shivering.

There were supposed to be people who would be at the border to the Scorchlands, forget that! It was supposed to be a desert hot enough to burn through your skin, 'Why the hell is it so fucking cold here! Why is there a severe blizzard in the middle of the warmest region on the planet?' I cursed inwardly.

Exhaling I took off my cloak and placed it around Rivenas exposed shoulders, I wasn't bothered by the cold much so she needed it far more than I did at the moment.

After placing the cloak on Rivena I heard a loud moan come from behind me, "Uhhh..?" I looked at Rivena who covered her mouth while blushing.

"Sorry Arulwyr, I didn't expect to get warmed up so fast."

"It has a lot of magic spells cast on it."

"I see."

Facepalming our journey through the 'Scorchlands' began.