Reunion (02)

[I missed a lot, huh?]

An echoing voice in my head woke me up from my meditation.

'A lot can't really describe it, but I'm sure I missed even more than you.'

[Could you tell me what happened?]

'I have a few questions as well.'

The next few minutes were just me and Altheius exchanging information with each other, she told me that 5 days had passed when she finally broke the seal and went into hibernation. After that, I told her about the situation here and my discovery of Dawn.

I was slightly disappointed Althieus didn't know anything more than some of the time that passed, but I was about to get my answers anyways.

'Are you sure this is a good idea? Shouldn't we just wait for her to wake up? Especially after the state she was in...'

[It'll be fine loosen up, plus I don't feel like waiting and you don't either.]

'I haven't done much waiting, but I guess you have.'

[Yes, having less than a fraction of my strength and constantly cutting a blade for 5 days straight was not very enjoyable for me.]

'Did I somehow influence this sword into having a personality similar to mine? Where did I go wrong.'

[Why are you talking bad about me when we share a mind.]

'Natural thoughts happen... Plus I can't really see through your thoughts well.'

[It's because I'm linked to your spirit, and not the other way around.]

"I guess so," I said with a sigh while approaching Dawn with a cup of water I retrieved from my sub-space.

"Are you absolutely suuure this is a good idea?"

[Why're you so paranoid?]

"What if she's mad I knocked her out?"

[That's your problem, and why are you talking aloud now.]

"Because I usually talk to you aloud when we're alone."

[You're right.]

Swallowing I tilted the water cup over Dawn's head and the small stream of water fell upon her head. The blood and dirt washed out of it, and soon after her eyes shot open.

'It's not purple anymore.' I thought looking at her right eye.

Dawn looked up at me and then quickly burrowed her head into her arms.

"I'm not mad about what happened if that's what you're wondering."

Dawn continued to stay silent.

With a sigh, I kneeled down in front of her and pat her head, not really knowing what to do in this situation.

Dawn raised her head and tears were streaming down her eyes.

"I told you it's fine... Rather I'm just curious about what happened here." I muttered looking into her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." Dawn choked out.

"It's fine... Uhhh, Please calm down." I was panicked when she continued to cry.

[You're so supportive Rei! Keep it up.]

Hearing Althieus I facepalmed.

'What should I do?'

[I don't know, kiss her or something?]

'...You're not very helpful.'

Taking a deep breath, I faced Dawn and embraced her with a tight hug.

"Listen... I won't judge you for what you've done to these people or to me. But I'm very curious about what happened and I would like for you to tell me."

Dawn returned my hug and continued to cry louder.

"Uh, just let it all out."

Dawn kept crying, and soon she finally stopped and calmed down.

"I really missed you." She said in a low voice.

A smile spread across my face hearing her words.

"I did as well."

We separated from our hug and looked at each other.

"I like the new look, long hair suits you. Your scar is very badass too."

Dawn covered her mouth and chuckled.

"In contrast, you haven't changed much from the last time I saw you."

Hearing her relaxed words I wiped the sweat off my forehead and sighed.

"I'm glad you have calmed down a little... I know this may seem soon but could you tell me what happened here? And of course about that strange power you used."

Dawn stared at me for a moment with a solemn look.

"Do you want the short story or the long story... Because it's a long story."

Scratching my neck I once again smelt the repulsive scent in the air and then looked back at Dawn and said:

"Could you give me the short story, and then the long story?"

"Okay." She looked at me slightly confused.

"Well, my friends and I happened to take shelter in a strange cave that turned out to be a dungeon, which happened to be the resting place of an ancient creature. I fell into a trap of the ancient creature and inherited said ancient creature's lineage, which happened to overpower my blessings of the hero. The lineage I obtained is a foul creature that relies on blood from any source it survives, and when starved goes into a crazed mindless state of bloodlust. I was separated from my companions and injured after the battle."

Dawn moved her gaze from my eyes to the floor before continuing.

"The starved state emerged and I committed a terrible crime, soon I awoke and realized my actions, and just a few hours after that you arrived and I was in a desperate state so I attacked you... That's about the end of the short story of what happened here, but I can also tell you about what happened in the battle against the demons."

"It's okay, you can tell me about that later I don't think I really need a long story... After all, you gave me about what I would have expected from the long story."

Sitting I went into deep thought and moved to a more comfortable seating position, after my period of thought passed I glanced at Dawn.

"So, the ancient creature you met was like a vampire?" I asked a little surprised by her explanation of the story.

'That explains the blood tendrils and the mangled corpses... Also her mental instability.'

"I'm sorry but what is a vampire?" Dawn asked with a curious expression.

[Vampires don't exist in this world, Rei... Not in fiction or reality, her ancient creature is most likely just what you've assumed it is something similar to a vampire. There are many instances of creatures that can travel between different worlds, one example is dragons. Her so-called ancient creature could have been something similar to your definition of a vampire that died here, but used some type of method to infect whoever tried to grave rob him with his abilities.]

'I think I understand.'

"Don't worry about it, just a bit of slang... But do you have anything like fangs?"

"Yes, they appear whenever I activate my transformation."

"Could you demonstrate?" I said while looking at her.

"Yes," Dawn replied immediately and stood up.

Her expression tensed and the mana around her began changing to a dark purple hue.

'Just like earlier.'

Soon one of her eyes turned purple, and the mana around her stabilized in a solid dark purple.

Dawn sat back down and opened her mouth and pointed, she had two fangs in her mouth although not as long as mine.

"What all can you do?"

"I'm still figuring it out but, my senses are far sharper, I can regenerate severed limbs and severe injuries, my physical state is far enhanced, and I can control blood, I'm not very proficient at it yet although. The power I gained is great but the drawbacks are also very life-changing, I can no longer eat regular food and I've sustained myself by drinking a small bit of Silas's blood every so often. And of course, all the abilities I gained, I can only utilize in my awakened state... I also feel that I have much more to learn and discover."

I grit my teeth and squinted my eyes looking at Dawn slightly unhinged.

'I'm going to kill him.'

[Calm down Rei, It's probably not what your thinking.]

I tilted my head with a crazed expression and asked:

"How did you go about getting blood from Silas?"

Dawn placed her finger on her lip and looked up at the ceiling in thought.

"Well... He would just deliver glasses of his blood to me, as long as I didn't use the powers of my awakened state I could go without feeding for about a week, I don't really know much about his process of getting the blood into the glass but we can probably assume it."

I let out a sigh of relief hearing her words.

"How many people know about this power?" I asked

"Just my close companions, we agreed not to tell anybody else."

Standing up from my spots I looked down at Dawn and reached my hand out.

"You'll be feeding from my blood from now on, after all, I'll be a part of the heroes' party... And also debrief me on what happened in the battle when we meet up with your friends."

I raised my hood up and looked back towards the door.

"Also, I plan to keep my identity hidden for a while longer, so make sure to call me Blade Demon or Arulwyr around the party and in public," I said while walking toward the door.

Dawn smiled and asked:

"Why do you want me to feed on your blood instead of Silas?"

"Errr..." I stood silent for a moment and then raised my finger. "Because I know a better way!"

"Okay... I'll let you know when I have the sudden urge of hunger."


[Not bad Rei.]

'It's never bad to have a little bit of wariness.'

[Is this caution or something you wanted?]

'Shut up.'

We quickly departed from the house after burying the remains of the dead and paying our respects. My solitary independent life of constant training was over, I knew this would slow my progress in becoming stronger, but neglecting Dawn and the war between demons and the world was not something I would do anymore.

"We've made it back to the fort... Everyone should be here."

I sighed looking down at Dawn who was smiling.

"I hope," I answered already knowing there were people there, I scouted ahead using my Draconic Force in advance.