Liz left the baby in the swinging cradle and attended to Anna who had collapsed. She wiped her clean and fed her with the herbal soup she had concocted. Anna's pale face finally had some color on it after taking the soup.

After ensuring that Anna was fine, she went out of the cottage to fetch some logs. It was getting dark and cold. Winter was coming and Anna and the baby will get sick without heat.

Getting back inside the cottage, she placed the logs on the bottom of the fireplace, then added a layer of small logs of about 4cm and then one or two layers of kindling. She then placed a couple of firelighters on top of it and lit up the chimney. The fire lit up the whole room bringing a sense of warmth along with it.

Then suddenly there was wailing from the cradle. The enchanting baby was awake. His high-pitched cries managed to wake Anna up as well.

Anna stared blankly into space, then suddenly as if coming into realization, she said. " My baby.. my baby. Aunt Liz can I have a look at my son".

" Of course... Of course, he's awake. I think he's hungry you should feed him." Liz spoke with a smile while carrying the baby to its mother.

Anna stretched out her arms enthusiastically, receiving her baby only to stare in a stupor.

Yes her baby was beautiful.. but.. b...but what was with those eyes. Those eyes although enchanting, looked like they could suck one's soul out.

Liz, seeing the shocked expression of Anna, smiled and spoke. " I had the same expression when I first saw his eyes. They are like none I have ever seen before. Do you not have any recollection at all of who his father is? Or if he had eyes like those?"

Anna, still staring in shock answered,

" No, it's as if my memories have been wiped. I don't remember him at all, or even how I met him.

Do you think there's something wrong with my son? His eyes are so distinct. And it doesn't seem to move at all, only staring straight ahead."

One could easily detect the sense of panic in her voice as she spoke. Even though she had no idea how she got pregnant, she wasn't willing to discard her baby just because she didn't know of its origin.

_ This is my first novel, please forgive me if there are mistakes in it. I promise to keep making it better _