Unable to look on, most of the gods dropped their heads; there was guilt, remorse, and even fear lacing in their eyes.

" How long will this thing suck their Qi? Is it forever? And how do you intend to keep them alive? They look half dead," Aaron asked, unable to keep silent. His eyes had almost turned dark from the pain of watching these humans suffer.

" Light god, are you doubting me?" Ramiel asked getting a bit annoyed.

" It's a question, just answer!" Aaron shot back equally annoyed.

"And is that an order from you that I have to obey?"

" Is it because you have no ans..."

"Aaron!!!" Freya called out. She was almost going crazy.

" Step out with me." She said, taking the lead out of the hall.

Starring at Ramiel, Aaron gritted his teeth, then turned and followed Freya out of the hall.

... Outside the hall...

"Are you crazy? Going against him will bring you no good!," Freya warned furrowing her brows.