Revisiting the Hua Wu Peak

If he remembered correctly, when Jiang Chengxuan first joined the Shen Immortal Family, he was only a high-grade Level 1 Talisman Master, right?

Only a dozen years had passed and he was already able to draw mid-grade Level 2 Spirit Gathering Talisman.

Wait, his cultivation…

Shen Daoming had not paid much attention to it just now. At this moment, he looked at Jiang Chengxuan and suddenly sensed the change in his cultivation.

He had clearly broken through to the third level of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

In less than 20 years, not only did Jiang Chengxuan break through to the third level of the Foundation Establishment Realm, but he also raised his talisman-making mastery to the mid-grade Level 2.

This speed…

Shen Daoming did not know what to say.

At the side, Shen Ruyan's beautiful eyes also lit up.

She looked at Jiang Chengxuan and said, "Elder Jiang, in that case, you're already a mid-grade Level 2 Talisman Master?"