Crimson Gold Mine

Such a quick and swift method immediately made everyone present feel intimidated.

At that moment, they all put away the thoughts they shouldn't have.

This was exactly what Jiang Chengxuan wanted to see.

After that, under the guidance of the cultivators of the Shen Immortal Family, everyone began to walk onto the Conscience Platform one by one to be questioned.

In the end, they really found two fellows who cultivated demonic techniques and were killed by Jiang Chengxuan on the spot.

After all the Qi Refinement cultivators present were questioned, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan looked at Hong Wentao and the other Foundation Establishment cultivators.

"Just to be safe, I will use the Level 3 Conscience Talismans on you."

Obviously, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan knew very well that a Level 2 Conscience Platform would not have any problem testing Qi Refinement Realm cultivators.