Someone Sent by the Hong Family (2)

Hearing Shen Yuanlong's words, the smile on Hong Chengfei's face did not fade.

"Brother Yuanlong, what are you talking about? As juniors, how can we take back what our Ancestor gave to you?"

"So what do you want … ?"

Shen Yuanlong was still vigilant.

Vaguely, he had already grasped Hong Chengfei's true motive for coming.

Hong Chengfei smiled and said, "We just want to buy back the Violet Palace Jade that our ancestor gave you back then.

Brother Yuanlong, please don't refuse for the sake of the Hong family."

What did he mean by for the sake of the Hong family?

This was clearly a blatant threat.

Shen Baifei, Shen Rushuang, and the other elders looked like they were on the verge of flaring up.

Only Shen Yuanlong could barely maintain his calm.

He asked calmly, "Then what price are you willing to pay to buy the Violet Palace Jade back?"
