Heavenly Eye of Insight, the Lightning Pool (2)

Jiang Chengxuan didn't hide it from her. He immediately told her about him using the Heavenly Eye of Insight.

When Shen Ruyan heard that, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

"Husband, are you saying that your Spirit Eye of Insight has already been upgraded and you can see more things that you couldn't in the past?"

Jiang Chengxuan nodded.

"That's right. However, using this innate ability requires more than double the spirit I used in the past. I forgot about it just now, which resulted in this.

However, it's not a big problem. After resting for a while, I should be fine.

As for now, your matter is the priority."

As he spoke, Jiang Chengxuan told her what he had just discovered.

When Shen Ruyan heard that, a hint of excitement appeared on her beautiful face.

She grabbed Jiang Chengxuan and said happily,

"Husband, it should be the place.