Gu Ling Falls, Jiang Chengxuan Blocks the Way

"You deserve to die!"

Gu Ling's face was twisted with anger.

He reached out and grabbed the air.


A flag made of human bones appeared in his hand.

It was another Dharma treasure of his, the Blood Sacrifice Flag!

This flag was made of the skulls of thousands of Qi Refinement and Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators. It was made of the blood of countless living people.

It could be said to be one of the most rare demonic treasures.

There was also a white bone demon sealed inside.

Its strength was comparable to a first level Violet Palace Realm cultivator.

At this moment, Gu Ling took out the flag.

Without any hesitation, he immediately released the White Bone Demon.

As soon as the White Bone Demon flew out of the flag, its ghostly green eyes immediately locked onto Shen Ruyan.


A pitch-black light suddenly shot out of its mouth. Like a laser, it flew towards Shen Ruyan!