Endowed Divine Power, the Blue-eyed Spiritual Pupils


The air suddenly exploded.

Before the rod landed, Mei Fengwu felt an indescribable pressure around her, causing her feet to sink into the ground.

Sbe immediately gritted her teeth and the Dharma treasure cauldron in front of her rose above her head.

At the same time, her other Dharma treasure, the Sun and Moon Silver Wheel, also shone with an extremely bright silver light. It spun and faced the huge rod shadow that fell from the sky!


A cloud of dust suddenly rose from the ground.

The ground around Mei Fengwu sank hundreds of feet.

Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan's expressions changed slightly.

This was because at this moment, they saw the Blue-eyed Demon Ape leader raise the black golden rod in its hand again and smash it at Mei Fengwu, who was still shrouded in the dust!

Not good!

The couple no longer hesitated.