
How is this possible?

At this moment, Fu Yunsheng was shocked.

Cultivating up until now, he had never seen anyone who could grab a Dharma artifact with brute force like this.

Even Lan Changhe, who was in midair, couldn't hide the look of shock on his face.

On the other hand, the moment Jiang Renchuan saw Jiang Chengxuan, his heart throbbed for no reason..

In fact, not only him, but all the Jiang family members present more or less felt an inexplicable connection the moment they saw Jaing Chengxuan.

"Fellow Daoist, we are from the Liang Nation's Origin Returning Sect. We have no intention of offending you. I hope that for the sake of the Origin Returning Sect, you won't hold it against Fu Yunsheng. Will you do me this favor?"

At this moment, Lan Changhe, who had been maintaining an indifferent attitude, could no longer stay calm.

He immediately flew to Jiang Chengxuan and looked at him.

"Don't hold it against him? Sure."