Ancestor, Please Return to the Family with Us! (3)

It could be said that both sides needed each other.

After Jiang Chengxuan agreed, Jiang Renyi immediately handed a few jade slips to him and said respectfully,

"Ancestor, these are the cultivation techniques, divine powers, various alchemy and weapon refinement methods that the Jiang family currently has.

In addition, it also listed some industries and resources we have in the Liang Nation.

Ancestor, when you have time, please take a look."

It was not an exaggeration to say that Jiang Renyi had already handed over the foundation of the Jiang Immortal family to Jiang Chengxuan.

This was also a very necessary thing.

Since they had officially acknowledged Jiang Chengxuan as their ancestor, they naturally needed to show sincerity.

While praising these three brothers in his heart, Jiang Chengxuan had already browsed through the jade slips in his hand.