
It was obvious that after they killed Shi Yifei and the others, the cultivators who remained in the Origin Returning Sect sensed that the souls of Shi Yifei and the others had been extinguished.

The smart ones immediately realized that the Origin Returning Sect had probably provoked a powerful enemy and that a pending doom was waiting for the rest of them.

Especially Shi Yifei's personal disciple, the Second Elder of the Origin Returning Sect, Bai Xuanhong.

Without hesitation, Shi Yifei's personal disciple, the Second Elder of the Origin Returning Sect, Bai Xuanhong, took away some of the most important treasures in the Origin Returning Sect and detonated the Level 3 spiritual vein with a few Foundation Establishment elders.

For one thing, it was because they did not want their enemies to obtain the treasures of their sect.