Jade Water Market Auction

Jade Water Market.

This was a market on par with the Ganyang Market in terms of scale.

It might even be larger.

The Jade Water Sword Pavilion behind it was also slightly stronger than the Ganyang Sect.

There were a total of five Golden Core Immortals in the sect.

This was also why it could rule Liang Nation with another Golden Core sect, the Heavenly Yue Sect.

That's right.

In Liang Nation, there were two Golden Core forces, the Jade Water Sword Pavilion and the Heavenly Yue Sect.

After about half a month, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan finally arrived at the Jade Water Market.

As soon as they arrived, the couple saw the surging crowd.

This was probably due to the upcoming Jade Water Market Auction.

Along the way, the couple saw that the surrounding shops, inns, and even cave abodes were almost full.