Fiendish Golem (2)

Then, balls of flames suddenly spewed out of the mouth of the gourd.

After the flames flew out of the mouth of the gourd, they transformed into various shapes in the air.

Firebird, Flame Snake, Crimson Crow, and so on.

Soon, the blood-colored net began to shake.


At the same time, a seal emitting green light flew out of Shen Ruyan's palm.

Immediately, divine lightning mixed with a wood attribute surged out of the seal.

With that, the blood-colored net did not just shake slightly. Instead, it began to shake violently.

Large amounts of blood mist evaporated under the bombardment of the divine lightning.

Seeing this, the expression of the old man, Elder Chi Huo, suddenly changed.

He never expected that the two people in front of him were not only unaffected by his Blood Sacrifice Array, but they also displayed such shocking strength.