Integrating into the Jiang Family, War Begins (2)

By doing so, the Shen family would become an affiliated family to the Jiang family.

This was something the couple did not expect.

Back then, the reason why they suggested that the Shen family move to Liang Nation was because they hoped that the two families could take care of each other.

After all, as Golden Core cultivators, the couple spent the majority of their time in seclusion.

The Shen family was far away in Yun Nation. If anything happened, they might not be able to rush to their aid.

Moreover, the Jiang family was getting bigger and bigger. Relying on three Violet Palace cultivators was no longer sufficient.

If the Shen family could help, it would undoubtedly make things much easier for the Jiang family.

It could also greatly increase the strength and foundation of the two families.

This was a win-win situation.

Unexpectedly, the Shen family took the initiative to integrate into the Jiang family.