Bidding for the Teleportation Array (2)

This was quite possible.

Moreover, the 264th room they were in was not the last room in this auction house.

There were many empty private rooms to be occupied.

Just like that, the couple stayed in their private room for about half a day before the Myriad Treasure Auction officially began.

The first person to appear was a late-stage Golden Core cultivator.

This person had white hair and although he looked old, the aura he emitted was so vast that no one dared to take him lightly.

He smiled and cupped his fists at everyone before saying,

"I'm Cao Zhengfeng of the Cao family, the host of this auction.

First of all, on behalf of the Myriad Treasure Immortal City, I welcome all those who came to participate.

Then, let me explain the rules of this auction.

Of course, the first and foremost rule is that the item will be sold to the highest bidder.