Fury, Extermination

"Huh … ?"

Hearing the Ethereal Goshawk's words, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan's eyes narrowed.

Then, a cold smile appeared on Jiang Chengxuan's face.

"You can try, but I also need to remind you that if you really dare to do that, I swear that after I break this protective array, I will slaughter every one in your clan. No matter where they are, I will track them down and kill them all."

Jiang Chengxuan's tone carried a scary coldness.

No one suspected Jiang Chengxuan's words. As long as Ethereal Goshawk dared to destroy the Level 4 spiritual vein, the Jiang family would do everything possible to exterminate the Barbarian Goshawk Clan.

This made Ethereal Goshawk, who had a fierce look in its eyes, freeze.

Now, it could indeed destroy the Level 4 spiritual vein on Mount Ether.

However, it also knew that if it really did it, it would definitely be punished by bad karma.