Cao Family's Fear, Seven Star Appears


In midair, the red short knife erupted with an incomparable might.

The shock waves shook the Stars Chain Array behind Jiang Chengxuan, and it flickered.

The False Nascent Soul locked his divine sense onto Jiang Chengxuan to make sure that he had nowhere to escape.

The red knife was getting closer and closer.

A sharp glint flashed across Jiang Chengxuan's eyes.

In the next moment, his body suddenly expanded.

The wind howled wildly in all directions with him as the center.

The surging blood was like a huge river, running through his entire body.

Everyone seemed to have heard a violent crashing sound.

It was the movement caused by the surging blood.

Each of the veins on his skin was like a coiling dragon.

Several mountains hundreds of meters away were immediately reduced to dust when coming in touch with the howling wind.

In the blink of an eye, it covered a radius of a thousand meters.