The Great Demon Falls, Xuan Yang Bestows Treasures


A light and crisp sound suddenly came from the air.

The Lord of Blood's extraordinary White Bone Sword was suddenly split into two in the middle.

Then, the sharpness of the sword light did not decrease.

There was a swish.

The layers of defense around the Lord of Blood were torn apart.

Just as he was about to be split into two, the Lord of Blood suddenly turned into a thread of blood and quickly fled backwards.

In the end, the sword light destroyed a large portion of the blood thread.

Only a small part of the blood thread was left.

When it was safe, the blood thread transformed into the appearance of the Lord of Blood.

However, at this moment, his aura was no longer what it used to be.

Not only did he look dispirited, but his face had also turned as pale as paper.

He looked straight ahead with fear in his eyes.