Unification, Cangnan Alliance, First Alliance Leader (2)

They couldn't just leave it empty, right?

That would be too wasteful.

Most importantly, without the eight Golden Core forces of Zheng and Shu, how were they going to defend the demon beast riot in the near future?

Could it be that they were going to let those demon beasts take up the territory of Zheng and Shu?

Then how many mortals would die?


Zheng and Shu could not be left unattended.

They had to find a way to integrate them.

Otherwise, when the demon beast riot broke out in the future, it would be very difficult for them to take care of it.

Moreover, there was another important question that no one had mentioned so far.

That was, it was impossible for them to leave the enormous resources in Zheng and Shu ownerless or give them to others.

"Everyone, feel free to express your opinion on how we should deal with this matter."

At this moment, Jiang Chengxuan was the first to break the silence.