The Fall of the Demon Emperor and the Demon Kings. Shen Ruyan Is Preparing to Condense the Nascent Soul and Upgrade Her Spiritual Root

Just as Black Wind was pondering over these thoughts in its heart, a huge roc phantom suddenly flashed behind Jiang Chengxuan.

Following that, Jiang Chengxuan's pursuit speed suddenly skyrocketed.

Swoosh, swoosh—

In just a moment, he had already arrived near Black Wind.

Black Wind, who was desperately trying to escape, suddenly sensed the danger behind it, causing its heart to tremble.

How could his speed…?


Before it could react, behind Jiang Chengxuan, the phantoms of a dragon and an elephant flashed once again.

In an instant, his figure soared, reaching a height of fifty feet in the blink of an eye.

Compared to Black Wind's towering body, he looked relatively small.

However, the aura emanating from Jiang Chengxuan at this moment made Black Wind unable to remain calm.

"Level 5, this is the power of Level 5!

You, you, you…"

Black Wind's eyes were filled with shock.