The Crisis of the Nine Essences Immortal Cultivation World, End of the Demon Beast Riot, Jiang Chengxuan Condensing Nascent Soul (2)

Also, regarding this matter that concerned the survival of the world, did the other Soul Formation Heavenly Lords know about it?

What about the demons?

If the Level 6 demon sovereigns were aware of this hidden crisis, why didn't they join forces with the human cultivators? Instead, they continued to harass the human race relentlessly.

Thinking about this, Jiang Chengxuan couldn't help but ask Shen Ruyan again.

However, this time, Shen Ruyan shook her head slightly.

"As far as I know, when I ascended, it seemed that everyone was not very clear about the true situation in the outer world. There were only vague speculations.

Over these years, I can't be sure if their understanding of this matter has grown deeper."

As for the demons…"

At this point, Shen Ruyan's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

"Before, I wasn't sure, but now, I have some speculations.