Rainbow Jade Slip and the Origin of Falling into Demonic Path

"Damn it!"

Han Dongping and Mystic River's faces turned extremely grim.

The dark red glow in their eyes deepened, reflecting their rising fury.

Crack! Crack!

With a crackling sound, they both twisted and snapped a finger off each of their hands.

Muttering incantations, the severed fingers quickly transformed into a terrifyingly dark red mist.

Within this bloody mist, two demonic hands, one red and one green, resembling ghostly claws, suddenly emerged.

Simultaneously, Han Dongping and Mystic River unleashed two True Treasures above their heads: a golden scimitar and a dark green flying sword, which they directed at Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan.

"Be careful!" Perfected Lord Flowing Snow shouted from a distance.

In fact, she did not expect that someone would help her in the midst of her most dangerous situation.

At the same time.

Jiang Chengxuan reached out.