Old Friend, Fake War, Crisis of the Spiritual Island of the Vast River

Jiang Chengxuan was speechless.

And so was Shen Ruyan.

Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan were taken aback by the unexpected, indiscriminate attack.

They just didn't respond to the question asked immediately, yet they were ruthlessly attacked.

Moreover, this attack was aimed at taking their lives.

Since that was the case…

Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan's eyes were cold.

Buzz! Buzz!

Without any noticeable movement, two flying swords emerged from their bodies, effortlessly slicing through the Dharma treasures aimed at them.

There was a series of cracks.

The Dharma treasures that attacked them were all shattered by the flying swords.

This immediately shocked the hawk-nosed man, the narrow-eyed man, and the others.

How… how is this possible?

Before they could comprehend what was happening, Jiang and Shen's flying swords were in front of them.