Gain from the Sutra Library, Meeting Perfected Lord Xuan Yang Again, Returning to the Jiang Nation (3)

"Everyone, I didn't tell you this to spread fear among you. Instead, I want you to know what you will face in the near future.

Instead of becoming cannon fodder, it's better to take a gamble.

As the saying goes, 'crisis' contains 'opportunity.' If there's danger, there's definitely an opportunity within it. It all depends on whether you can seize it.

Here, I do not wish to say anything more.

I just want to ask you, are you willing to advance and retreat with the cultivators of Jiang Nation and the entire state of Jiang in the future?

If you're unwilling, you may leave. I'll allow you to leave the Jiang Nation with your people.

And I can assure you that if you choose to leave, my Jiang family will definitely not pursue the matter.


At this point, Jiang Chengxuan's tone suddenly became extremely stern.

"If you choose to stay, don't blame me for being heartless if you run away at the last minute or disobey my orders.