Trump Card, Level 6 Array Breaking Bead, Level 6 Demonic Array, Purple Sun Heavenly Fire Array (2)

The entire bead immediately turned into a yellow pillar of light that fell into the Level 6 demonic array.


The world shook.

In an instant, the Level 6 demonic array, which had previously been impervious to everyone's attacks, showed clear cracks on its surface after being struck by the Level 6 Array-Breaking Bead

The cultivators present naturally would not miss such an opportunity.

Immediately, attacks that were even fiercer than before landed on the Level 6 demonic array.

This time, the defense of the Level 6 demonic array noticeably weakened.

In just a moment, more and more cracks appeared on the black light shield,

In the end, the cracks covered the entire black shield.


Finally, when another wave of attacks landed on the black light shield, it could no longer be maintained. With a bang, the entire black light shield exploded into black light spots and scattered.

Level 6 demonic array, break!