Golden Wolf Demon Emperor's Bounty, Jiang Chengxuan Tearing A Level 5 Demon Emperor

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Level 6 Demon Venerable and the Heavenly Lord confronted each other.

The mere collision of their energy caused massive roars to erupt from the top of Mount Saint Flow.

When Ink Dragon Demon Venerable and Heavenly Lord Everlasting Mountain actually began to fight, the weather within a thousand miles was completely altered: torrential rain, howling winds, flashing thunder, and blazing fires…

Especially near the center of their clash, visible black cracks appeared in the previously stable void. It was the spatial rifts that all cultivators below Soul Formation dreaded.

These rifts contained wildly chaotic and violent energies, and inside were turbulent void storms.

Any cultivator below Soul Formation caught in them would surely face certain death.

Everyone was deeply shocked.