Meeting Perfected Lord Flowing Snow, Soul Nourishing Spring

"Let me take a look."

In the eyes of the Phoenix Demon Emperor, streaks of light suddenly flashed, as if it was rewinding time.

Within those lights, scenes from earlier events in the area started to unfold. However, just as the images were about to focus on Jiang Chengxuan, they suddenly became blurred like a signal disruption, and an intensely dangerous aura was perceived by the Phoenix Demon Emperor, forcing it to immediately cease using its divine power.

Even so, its eyes still bled, alarming the other Demon Emperors nearby.

The Purple Lightning Demon Emperor who had just spoken could not help but ask,

"Phoenix, what happened?"

The Phoenix Demon Emperor's eyes were a little gloomy.

It shook its head and said, "I can't tell who did this, let alone divine this person's information.

This is because that person has a method to block divination.